Be Happy You Didn't Wake Up

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(Warning: Chapter contains murder)


"Gotta!" Hades said as he appears in front of you and grabs you as you run right into his arms making you giggle. "Alright kiddo, you know the drill." You sighed annoyed. Hades gives you a chance to run and hide but when he catches you, it means quiet time.

"Not tired." You told him.

"Then it should be a walk in the park for you to stay awake." Hades said as he puts you in a gated area that's in the corner of his office. "Just let me do at least 15 minutes of work and if you're still awake I'll let you out."

"15 minutes?!" You gasped. "But that's like forever."

Hades chuckled as he went over to his desk.

You pouted as you tried to fight but it was impossible. Hades had the area covered with the softest and warmest pillows and blankets in Greece, plus there were no toys or anything to keep you amused. It also has high bars like your bed so you can't escape, so you never make it as you lay down and nap just like he wanted.

"Works every time." Hades said quietly to himself before he got ready for an appointment he had with a soul that wanted to make a deal. "So..." Hades said quietly to the soul that was in front of him. "You want me to kill the guy that killed you, I get his souls and you get his years am I right?"

The soul nodded and was about to shake Hades' hand till he saw you. "Ah, so you're one of those guys."

Hades raised his brow and looked over at you. "Yeah I know, people are always surprised when they hear I took in a kid."

"Looks like you got her in line." The soul said. "So how is she?"

"She's amazing." If there is one thing Hades could go on and on about for hours it's you. "Never thought I could ever be this happy. She does get a bit too curious and ends up hurting herself but she's just a baby, she doesn't know any better."

The soul nods. "I remember my first."

"You have kids?" Hades asked.

"I've had many kids."

"Really? How many?" Hades asked.

"I lost count."

"You a deadbeat dad?"

"I'm not a dad at all."

Hades got confused until realization slapped him in the face. "You think that I... and she's my.." Hades flamed up red with anger and grabbed the soul by the throat before appearing in Tartarus.

Pain and Panic finally found their boss and were shocked at what they saw. Hades brought back the soul just to kill him himself. He was covered in blood and was torturing the man in every way he could think of. This wasn't like their boss at all, he hated getting his hands dirty.

"Um, Hades." Panic nervously stuttered.

"WHAT?!" Hades screamed.

"Y/N is awake."

Hades seemed to snap out of it after hearing that and quickly snapped the blood off of him before hurrying to you. Hades lifted you up and hugged you to him when he saw the scared look you had. "Bad dream?"

You nodded.

Hades carried you to one of his favorite places in the Underworld. "I think you and I both need to relax for a bit." Hades had swimsuits appear on you both as he goes into one of the pools that is like a hot tub. He sat back relaxing as you laid on his chest. "You are never allowed to go anywhere without me kid... EVER."

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