Chapter 3

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It's been 6 months since Harvey takes over the company and Mr Patrick has officially retired from the company like 2 months ago.. baru jak.. Things happen so fast and it is almost at the end of the year.

"What's your plan for this year Christmas?" tanya si Veron sambil mulut dia tu penuh makanan. As always, lunch hour memang kami sama.

"I don't know yet.. masih awal lagi mau fikir bah.." senyum2 saya tengok si Veron.

"I know you're going to the orphanage kan?"

"Suda tahu.. why bother to ask?"

"Have some fun bah Gail.. every once in a while.. you know, you're still young.. travel, go see places.."

"You know my answer to that kan Veron.."

"Yaa.. but.."

"She will spending her Christmas with me.." xtau dari mana muncul si John tiba-tiba duduk sebelah saya.

"John!" terjerit kecil saya terkejut.

"You!" berdiri suda si Veron teriak tengok si John yg senyum2 saja tengok sy.

"Can I join you guys?"

Besar mata kami tengok si Harvey yg lama suda berdiri di sebelah si Veron

"Bila lagi kau berdiri di situ?" Soalan bonus si Veron..

"Few seconds after John's get his seats.."

Si Veron tengok saya dengan mata yg disbelief ni tapi sempat juga dia jeling si John yg berabis suda ketawa tengok gelagat dia.. sy mau ketawa pun x sampai hati.. Pelan2 si Veron move aside and now Harvey is sitting btul depan mata saya..

"Kenapa bah kamu dua ni mau duduk sini?"

"I want to have my lunch with my flower"

"Huhhh.. flower konon, kau tu kalau ada kau mau begini lah gaya kau.."

"Why? Are you jealous that I am here because of her? You do like me, aren't you? Nahhhh main provoke suda si John..

"Ehh.. hello.." membebel suda si Veron, si John pun apa lagi membalas.. pening terus kepala sy tengok gaya dorang ni..

"Are they always like this, fighting over you?" tiba2 si Harvey bersuara sambil dia makan bun dia.

"Ermm.. I guess you can say that. Pening saya mau layan karenah dorang. Puffff.."

Senyum si Harvey tengok saya.. makkkkk handsome nya dia! Terus sy cepat ambil lengan si John.. kasi lerai ni dua ekor munyit yg inda pandai habis bergaduh dari tadi..

"I'm your friend juga bah Gail.. jangan mau kasi menang si John saja bah!" jealous suda si kawan..

"Dua2 pun saya tidak kasi menang.. you John! Perangai mcm budak2 saja.." sy pukul suda kepala si John.

"What is that for? Hey.. your friend here yg cari pasal okay?"

"What??? Saya lagi kau bilang???"

Aduiii makk start lagi.. tiba2 si Harvey berdiri

"Do you want to grab a coffee? There's a coffee shop across the street if you want?"

Besar mata sy tengok dia yg berdiri suda, siap sisip tangan dia dalam pocket lagi. Dia nampak saya tidak bergerak bagi response (sy terkejut baitu sb dia tiba2 bawa saya.. haahahah) terus dia tunduk and betul2 muka dia depan saya suda..

"At least we can get out of here?" terus sy tengok di belakang masih lagi berlawan cakap ni dua ekor munyit..

"Come, don't waste any second!" cepat2 saya grab phone sy terus jalan.. Si Harvey senyum saja tengok sy slowly kejar pace sy and we walked out of the building.

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