Ch. 13

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"Claire Henderson."

I heard my name being called while I was flipping through a pamphlet that was laying in the table beside me. I placed it back on the table, gathered my things and went to the door where a middle aged nurse was waiting.

After taking all of my vitals, I followed her to a what looked like a small lab area. She instructed me to sit in the chair because she was going to draw some blood. After that, we stood and she walked me to another room.

She asked me a list of questions and I answered each to the best of my ability. When she asked when my last menstrual cycle was, I couldn't answer because it never dawned on me. I just told her about my car accident and how the doctor noticed something while I was in the hospital. She told me that as soon as I saw the doctor, they would do an ultrasound to get some kind of answer for me.

The longer I sat there and waited, the more I wished I told someone who could be there with me. I was a nervous wreck. I almost wished I had kept Hannah home from school so she could be with me but honestly, I should have already told Clay. I just really hoped he wouldn't be very upset with me when I told him.

"Ms. Henderson, I'm Dr. Blake," a dark haired woman entered the room. "So, what's going on today?"

"I was in a car accident a few weeks ago and the doctor said that he noticed something in my blood that indicated pregnancy. It wasn't noticed before they did X-rays so I wanted to make sure everything was okay."

"Did the nurse collect a urine sample?" she asked.

"No but she did draw blood."

"That's great. A blood test is more sensitive than a urine test. Regardless, either would show pregnancy. I'll go check those results and depending on that, we'll take you across the hall for an ultrasound."

"Thank you," I smiled, touching my belly.

I already knew what the results were going to say. I knew with everything in me that I was pregnant. I knew I had a little baby growing inside of me. Half of Clays heart and half of mine would be here before I knew it.

It seemed like no time when Dr. Blake came back through the door.

"Congratulations Ms. Henderson. Your blood work shows a viable pregnancy. Can you tell me the date of your last menstrual cycle?"

"I honestly can't. I've been dealing with some things at home and then the car accident happened."

"We'll have to go over a lot of paperwork. Family history on both you and the baby's father. Is he in the picture?"

"Yes ma'am, he is. I just haven't let him know about the pregnancy yet. I wanted to get everything checked out first," I said.

"I understand. How about we go on over and get the ultrasound?" she asked.

We walked across the hallway and she asked me to sit up on the table and lower my pants just below my belly. I was starting to notice that I looked a little bloated already. When I laid back, the doctor told me a tech would be in in a few minutes. While I waited, I just laid there and rubbed my belly. I was really pregnant. The pregnancy is viable and I could tell Clay that we were going to be parents.

When the door opened, a young woman probably my age stepped in.

"Can you give me your full name and birthdate, please?" she said, looking at the chart in her hand.

"Claire Elizabeth Henderson. April 19th, 1995."

"Let's see what we have going on," she smiled.

She reached into a cabinet close by and pulled out a couple of white towels. She placed on below my belly, telling me that it's to help keep the gel off of my pants. She handed me the other and told me to just hold on it for afterward.

She told me the gel was going to be a little cold and then squirted it on my stomach. She took the probe and started pressing it around. Every so often she would press a button and it would take a picture. A minute later, she turned the volume up.

In a matter of seconds, I heard unmistakable sound of a heartbeat. I looked over at the screen and she pointed out the baby's head, it's little legs and arms and then asked me when it was time, if I wanted to know the gender. I barely heard anything she said. I just looked at the screen and started crying. She told me that I was right around 11 weeks pregnant.

"Wait a second," she said quietly and started moving the probe around more.

"Is there something wrong?"

"No, everything looks good but it appears you're having twins."

"What?" I asked, not believing her. "Are you sure?"

"I sure am," she said. "See."

She pointed at the screen again and moved the probe. All of a sudden, I saw a little arm stick up from behind the baby.

"Couldn't it just be his other arm?"

"No. That's definitely a twin," she smiled.

She continued with the ultrasound and printed off a couple of images for me. Sure enough in the images she handed me, you could see two babies. She even showed where baby 'A' was and were baby 'B' was. Before I left, I had set up another appointment for next month and another ultrasound. At this one I could possibly find out the genders. I would have to come back with all of the family history I could manage on both my side and Clay's side also.

The first person I should tell was obviously Clay but I couldn't wait to tell my mom. Once I was given all of my paperwork and appointment cards, I got in my car and sat there for a minute. I pulled at the images of the ultrasound and looked at my babies.

I was going to be a mom.

<<<<>>>> <<<<>>>> <<<<>>>>

So.... here we go.

Some MAJOR development happens in the next chapter. Could be good. Could be bad. But nonetheless, EXTREMELY crucial to the story's title.

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