Ch. 16 *Clay's POV*

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I didn't know what was going on.

Why did Mikey have me pinned against the house earlier? Why did Brent look at me like he wanted to kill me? Why did he punch me? Why am I sitting in the police station?

I don't know what happened and that's what I keep telling the officers. They're claiming that it's a domestic violence call but that can't be it, can it?

I'd never hurt Claire. I know things have been weird between us but I would never hurt her. I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her.

I sat in the interrogation room and begged myself to remember something, anything. I remember telling Claire yesterday that I was going to hang out with Brent and the guys after work last night. I don't remember much else after that.

I placed my hands on my face and remembered that I'm pretty sure I had a broken nose. That brought me to another why.

Why did Brent punch me so hard to break my nose?

    "Speaking of the devil," I said as Brent was shown in the room.

I couldn't read his face but he kind of looked like he wanted to punch me again.

    "Dude," was all he said.

We fell into an uncomfortable silence. I could tell he wanted to say more but he kept his lips tucked between his teeth.

    "Brent, I don't remember anything. The last thing I remember was Mikey pinning me against the house and you punching me."

He still didn't talk.


    "You need help, man," he finally said.

    "I don't need to hear this. I've heard it from Claire long enough. You're suppose to be on my side, man," I hugged out.

    "Clay, you just said you don't know what happened!" he shouted. "How can you sit here and say you don't need help when your literally being arrested for domestic violence?"

    "What happened?" I asked.

    "I can only tell you what I gathered from what Hannah told me."

    "Someone needs to tell me what's going on. Now!" I shouted.

I sat there and listened to Brent tell me Hannah's side of the story. Claire was on the floor when he got inside and he demanded Mikey to get me out of the house. Claire told him that I hit her. That I slapped her across the face and then she was on the floor.

I sat there and just stared at him. There's no way I'd hit her. I kept telling myself that there's no way that I would physically hurt her but because I couldn't remember, there's the chance I did. If I really did than I don't blame Brent for punching me.

I can't believe that I'd laid a hand on her and couldn't remember it. My heart shattered knowing that Claire was probably scared of me now. Who did she see when I did that? It couldn't have been the me she loved.

After about 15 minutes, Brent left and my boss came in. He told me that because of this, I was put on leave and I was required to do inpatient counseling for 3 months and after that, I had to continue to follow up with a counselor. I didn't fight that because Brent made sense. If I couldn't remember what happened, I needed help. I didn't have a choice so I just basically handed my life over to everyone else.

In a way, I didn't want to remember what I did to Claire because I was afraid of what I would do to myself if I did. If they pulled it out of me somehow through the therapy, I hope they were prepared to deal with me after that.

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