02 - Fluff - Piercings

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Y/N's Point of View

I groaned, pulling myself out of bed and making my way to the bathroom. I hated getting up as soon as I woke up, but now that I have my vertical labret pierced, I had to clean it first thing in the morning or else I'd risk getting it infected.

The golden doorknob felt cold against my warm palms. Sending shivers throughout my body, I turned the knob, opening the door and walking in. The cold tile that covered the bathroom floor also made me shiver. It was winter of course, what did I expect?

I swished the salt in the cup of water, and applied it with a napkin. I would kill for cotton balls right now, but they were so hard to come across nowadays. Only sometimes would Tommy bring some back for me. Mostly from pharmacy runs, on the look out for drugs.

Suddenly, there was a knock at my front door. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, but walked up to the door nonetheless to see Jesse, "Hey!" He cheered as I swung open the door. "Look who's awake nice and early!"

"Oh shut up Jesse," I rolled my eyes as Jesse pushed open the door, and walked in.

"Are you coming to Dina's tonight?" Asked Jesse.

"I don't know," I shrugged.

"Oh why not?" He asked a follow-up question.

"Because I was out all day on runs yesterday, I'm exhausted. I only got up to clean this thing," I pointed to my piercing.

"Come on," Jesse groaned as he leaned against the table. "Ellie's gonna be there y'know."

"Okay and?" I questioned trying to act not suspicious.

"And?" Jesse let out a laugh. "You think I'm gonna buy that?"

It must be the redness flushing to my cheeks that caused Jesse to call my bluff.

"What?" I questioned.

"You guys totally dig each other," Jesse began. "I mean c'mon, the way you guys look at each other is crazy. You're gonna regret not showing up tonight."

"You're gonna regret talking right now because I'm about to shove my foot up your ass Jesse," I let out a laugh.

Jesse rolled his eyes, "I'll see you tonight little sis."

"Shut up Jesse," I said giving him the middle finger as he left my room.

Jesse wasn't my biological brother, sure, but his — our — family took me in at a young age when Tommy found me all alone nearly starving to death during a harsh winter when I was seven. Jesse was nearly eight when I became his little sister.

I decided to get up and go to The Tipsy Bison and get some breakfast. I'm sure I could just quickly grab a breakfast sandwich even if that meant I had to see Seth, a homophobic loser.

I put on my winter jacket and walked all the way to The Tipsy Bison. All the way being only a two minute walk. Once I arrived, I shut the door behind me and unzipped my jacket.

The environment was so cozy in here, except when I had to interact with Seth. But besides that, everyone was so calm and collective.

I snapped out of my thoughts, and walked over to the bar, getting ready to order my sandwich. Out of the kitchen walked Maria who smiled when she saw me, "(Y/N)! It's so great to see you here!" She beamed. "Jesus your cheeks are red? Are you cold? One second!" She turned around and faced the kitchen, "Get this girl a hot cocoa with her breakfast sandwich!"

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