A Traitor

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⬆️ This is my baby bunny and she is a girl and only 2 months.

Here is the chapter long overdue⬇️

No ones POV

It's been two days since the babies were born and it has been quiet. Izuku and Dabi stayed with their baby while Tiyana interrogated the hero that found us. What they didn't know was that the hero sent out a text before getting caught meaning the heroes from U.A. were on their way.

All mights POV

We had gotten a text from our spy in the state of the Philippines that he had found the villains. My plan was to breed Izuku with a powerful student from the U.A. two be the number one hero. I wasn't going two let Endeavor have all the fun having a strong prodigy one his side. I had worked two hard for this after all. We were currently in a meeting deciding what was the best day to infiltrate their base when Mr. Midnight spoke up. "What about next week? We only take some of Aizawa's students to help. Everyone agreed and we set the date for Thursday of next week.

~Time Skip~

It was the day of the attack for the heroes and when they got there they hid in the surrounding area of the trees. Little did they know the wolves spotted them and one of them alerted Tiyana. When the heroes got there the eminently pinned down 4 villains, Toga, Twice, Mr. Compress, and Shigaraki. Izuku took the babies and eri through the back way and around the village to the back forest where the wolf pack was. The wolves helped carry the kids and they headed as far away as possible. Tiyana was using her black smoke to fight Dabi and made it bigger with his fire. Bakugo started blowing up the villains base making the building fall but Tiyana shielded them while Aizawa erased their quirks making it easier to defeat. A couple of hours later there was enough smoke to free the captured villains and meet up with Izuku.

"What now it seems like everywhere we go they seem to find us" Shiggy said.

"Dadzawa, where do you think we should go since you were once a hero?" Izuku asked.

"Our best bet would be America since most heroes there don't know about the l.o.v. or most villains in japan for that matter." Aizawa answered by holding Eri with Shinsou and Mic beside them.

Izuku's POV

Mom made us a portal and we appeared in an alleyway of America and we carefully walked into the streets. It was very loud but Tiyana seemed like he knew the way. We were walking for a while before we came to a big collage. "Why are we here?" dad asked. "I own this college and since there are so many rooms we have the advantage if a hero attacks us. That made me feel safe but at the same time I remembered that we walked through the city with wolves carrying babies behind us. We went inside and it looked beautiful and newly built. We went to the middle of the building and there were rooms with a kitchen and it was beautiful. "I had the dorms built in the building," Tiyana said. I thought it was a good idea since the only way we would need to leave is if they were getting attacked or if we needed to get groceries. "Now, everyone, go pick your rooms." Everyone ran yelling as they fought over rooms. About ten minutes later, everyone had their rooms and Dabi helped bring in the cribbs for the babies. Everything was set and our new life in America had started.

Over the days here in America I have learned the heroes here don't know us so we only wear mild disguises for safety. Shiggy went to the shop to buy groceries so all of us didn't have to go out. It was an hour later when Shiggy came back and I immediately went to help him along with Dabi, Jackson, and Tiyana. "Were you caught?" I asked. "No but we were close." Let's let this die down. When the groceries were unpacked I started cooking dinner until. "Waaaaaaaaa." Tiyana took over so I could tend to the babies in the play pin. Dabi walked in and grabbed two rocking them gently and I made the bottles to put them to sleep. After a while Tiyana came into the room to let us know that the food was ready and she made us more bottles for the babies. "Thanks Tiyana you're a lifesaver." She handed me the bottles and brought us our bowls of katsudon. So far everything was going swell but little did we know what was going to happen.

??? POV

"Hey boss, we found them." We were tracking the villains that escaped from the last time when we saw someone with the same look as Tomura Shigaraki. We followed him to a collage that was deserted but looked to be in good shape. We snuck in through the windows and searched the place when we heard what sounded like baby crying. We followed the sound to a room that had four babies. We thought they stole them but the babies resembled Dabi and Izuku. They kinda had red and green hair which is probably helpful to the new information about Dabi being Touya Todoroki and his real hair color was red. We climbed out the window and added security cameras to look over the kids and see how they were being treated. After we left Izuku came in and tended to the babies with Dabi following close behind helping. To be honest they're good parents and I think we should let them go but the heroes are stubborn and won't let them go. Technically this is illegal but the heroes don't care, they only do what benefits them. I feel bad for the kids who look up to heroes and want to be like them. The truth is heroes are only in it for the money and fame but act like they are angels. I would prefer to be with the villains since they seemed happy, and I know that the villains were actually good people and get shut out by society. I wanted to just come down and tell them we were here but I was too scared. I was thinking when one of my comrades came up to me and told me the next part of the plan. "We need to get the poor kids away from the villains before they grow up to be one. That made my blood boil that they want to take these kids away from their parents just because they chose the wrong path. To be honest I had enough so I made a plan to get back at the heroes and help the world so heroes will only be honest people. When it was my lunch break I wrote a note to the villains, snuck it in the room and sat it on the baby's crib. Everything was in motion and the plan for the fall of heroes and the rise of the villains.

"Bye-bye heroes."

1205 words

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