Stalker-chan -Stalker!Levi x Reader

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This was actually suppose to be a Yandere Levi but he had more stalkerish tendencies so I changed it.
🙊 NSFW 🙊
For mature audiences
Why do I do this?
He doesn't know when this 'addiction' first started. Maybe it was when he helped her make a pact with his idiotic brother Mammon? Or maybe it was when he made a pact with her himself? He can't be too sure, but either way, he's addicted now.
Looking down at his phone, Leviathan could feel himself getting excited as he stared at his lock screen of the h/c haired human he's been watching for awhile.
"Oh Mc." He moan, proping his phone against his computer monitor before leaning back on his chair and slipping the front half of his pants off. "What are you doing to me?"  The picture showed the girl in a beach coat from when she forced him to go to the beach with her. The coat was a really light yellow so it was quite transparent and one could see  her f/c bikini underneath.
This was both good for the purple haired demon, and bad.
He threw his head back in pleasure and moaned the girls name as his hand pumped faster and faster.
When the warm, white ooze explodes from his tip, the demon quickly cleaned himself up before booting his computer up and reaching for the key taped behind his main monitor and unlocking the drawer next to him. Gently, he lifted his most prized possession from the draw, a lock of Mc's precious hair from the day Asmodeus was trimming it.
Leviathan brings the hair to his nostrils and smells it. His eyes role back and he instantly becomes erect again as the final sounds of his computer booting up chime. He signs in as fast as he can, his breaths become more shallow as he clicks a file titled 'TSL <3,' almost instantly a video pops up. The video shows Mc's empty room with the lights off. A frown appears on Leviathans face.  Almost a week ago the purple haired demon snuck into the girls room and placed cameras in her room and bathroom, hoping to get videos of her changing her clothes; or maybe more.  Luckily, the girl was quite sexually active herself. There were a few times where he would get off to the girl playing with herself either in her bathroom or on her bed.
The demons waited a few more seconds before not being able to handle it any more. Fortunately, just as he was about to start, the door to the girls room opened and Mc walked in. Leviathans eyes widen and a smile of lust spreads across his lips as the girl throws her bag to the side and flops on her bed.
"Mmmm." The girl groans, rolling onto her back. Pink dusted her cheeks as she stared at the ceiling for a bit.
Leviathan decided that this was better then nothing and started his hand. As if on que, Mc slips her skirt and under garments off and slips a finger inside of herself. Her eyes close and she tosses her head to the side as she groans uncomfortably, her fingers moving inside of her. Soon she finds the right spot and starts enjoying herself, slipping more fingers inside.
Her quiet mewls turn to elegant moans as she goes faster and faster.
"L-Levi," she moans to herself, making the demons eyes widen more and his face turn red, his hand pumping faster.
"Mc..."He groans. Leviathan could feel himself turning into his 'demon form' but did nothing to stop it. Instead, he brings the girls lock of hair to his nose and smells it again, a loud moan escaping his lips.
"Leviathan..." The girl on the video whispers, red coating her face. "I love you."

644 Words 《

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