Dancing in the dark -SatanxReader

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Note: In this Novella Mc has a sickness which is slowly killing her. Because of this sickness Mc is unable to do basic things such as walking. Her legs are too feeble, and when she tries standing her legs give way under her. Because of this inconvenience she has to use a wheelchair.

A gentle knock on the door caused Mc to jolt in her chair, her gaze going from the book in her lap to her door.
"Come in."
The door creaks open a crack and the blonde haired demon brother pokes his head in with a rare, loving smile.
"Hey Kitty."
"Hey Tantan."
Satan ducks in, quietly closes the door behind him, and pads over to Mc and pecks her on the lips before bending down to her level. His hand finds its way to her face and soon he's caressing her cheek lovingly.
"I missed you."
Mc giggles. "It's only been an hour or two."
"Well it's been an hour or two too long."
Mc smiles. Satan and Mc have been dating in secret for awhile now and have been meeting up in secret at night to spend some time together. Alone.
"What are you reading love?"
"It's a fairy tale!" Mc gushes. "It's about a Prince who falls inlove with one of his maids and they have to keep their relationship a secret from his family otherwise they'll kill her."
Satan chuckles. "They're kind of like us." He says, gently kissing the girl infront of him. She smiles into the kiss.
"Soo." Mc whispers, rustling Satan's hair. "Are you going to be a gentleman and help me into my wheelchair or do I have to get in myself?" He smiles.
"Come'ere." Standing up, Satan gently lifts Mc and her book from the chair bridal style and places them into the wheelchair next to him.
"Where are you taking me? Mc asks, turning around in her chair to look up at Satan who was pushing her wheelchair to the door.
"You'll see." He smiles. "Just hold onto that book Kitty."

The moon light shrone brightly down on the lake which glistened in response as Satan carefully wheeled Mc down to bed next to it.
"Satan this is..."
"Breath taking? I know. How you're feeling right now was how I felt when I first saw you." He stops Mc just infront of the lake. "I wanted to take you here the first time I found it." Satan smiles. "It's truly amazing here."
"It is." Mc blushes. "It really is."
A comfortable silence overtakes the couple as they stare out at the lake infront of them.
"Alright." Satan sighs, catching Mc's attention. "Put your arms up."
"Huh?" Mc looks up at Satan. "Why?"
"Just do it."
Mc silently obeys, placing the book on her lap on the floor next to her before lifting her arms up awkwardly. Satan goes in front of her and picks her up from under her arms before placing her on the ground in a comfortable sitting position next to the wheelchair. He soon joins her on the ground, pulling her onto his lap.
"Can you grab the book for me?"
Mc nods, stretching to the book. "Here you go." She finally says with a smile.
Satan thanks her and opens up the book, resting his head on her shoulder.
"Is this where you were up to?" Satan asks, Mc hums in return.
Satan quickly pecks Mc's neck before reading. The part she was up to was when the Prince called his maid to his room because he remembered her talking about how she always wanted to waltz with him. It was small gesture, but the maid found it most joyous. She took the boys hand, and they started dancing around her room.
Satan could feel the smile on Mc's face as he read this part. She gently sways in his lap, her lids slowly lowering themselves.
Once Satan finishes the chpater he marks where he was and places the book on the ground next to them.
Mc peers over her shoulder to her boyfriend. "What are you doing?"
"Stay still for a minute Kitty." Satan carefully shifts Mc off of his lap and onto the grass. She watches him curiously as he stands up, brushes his pants, and holds a hand out to her.
"What are you doing?" Mc repeats, looking from his hand to his eyes.
"Would you care for a dance my lady?"
Mc blushes. "I would love too, but..."
"No buts." Satan whispers, hooking his hands under Mc's arms and lifting her up. She wraps her arms around his neck and looks into his eyes as he parades around the grass for the both of them. Mc could feel the smile on her face growing as Satan stares lovingly at her, his own smile growing.
"I love you." Satan whispers. "I love you so damn much Mc.

Sorry if there's mistakes, I'm so brain dead and can't be bothered editing this.
I've been suffering from writers block y'all 😭✋

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2021 ⏰

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