Distant Worlds Chapter One

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chapter one: Introduction of a King

Within the early days of my childhood, my life was rather empty, no home to call my own let alone any play toys nor friends to play with. It’s ironic really, how I came to be the king of Bethos, no family heritage let alone rich background. This kingdom has truly become a thriving place to be proud of.

I king Edward, formally announce kingship over this fine kingdom.

“Well I’m glad that’s over with.” Edward said placing his right arm behind his head ruffling the back of his long white hair, slightly creasing his finely made long sleeved shirt darkening the blue were it creased his light brown desk. Merely showing the knees of his black pants as he sat in his light brown wooden chair, scribbling his pen across various documents and papers attaching his small signature to the bottom of each page after gazing his eyes across the page reading the details before deciding.

A soft knock came to the large double door echoing slightly in the small office. Edward had himself seated. Jamina opened the left side of the door with her foot slightly, holding it open as she hopped into the room. Grasping a half filled glass of alcohol in her black leather covered hand. Her smile half covered by her long roughed red hair, sliding down her full black frilled shirt, slightly covering her light black skirt. Her well shaved legs stepping one before the other towards Edward’s desk, holding her right hand slightly in front of her gazing her eyes towards the glass watching the liquid slowly flow from left to right.

“Your drink has been prepared Edward.” Jamina pronounced pouting as she lowered the glass to the edge of the desk away from the large pile of papers. Her hazel eyes glaring towards Edward, a light blush over her cheeks.                                                                       “Thank you very much Jamina.” Edward politely said, looking up towards her with a slightly confused look across his face. “What’s wrong?” He asked, sending Jamina into a slight shock, hiding her face under her arm and speaking with a slightly muffled tone.                                 “I-I’m just tired that’s all.” Her arm then lowered revealing a smile on her face, attempting the best excuse she could think of at the given time.

“That’s logical.” Edward said with a smile, then saying slightly under his breath “I guess,” making sure to still smile towards his dear friend. Reaching his right arm over towards the glass, softly sliding it towards him, locating his vision towards the liquid. Watching not to spill the beverage over his work.                                                                                                   “Your very careful with your paper work aren’t you Edward?” Jamina said, chuckling slightly to herself, crossing her arms over her chest with a smile over her face.“If I wasn’t careful with this, how could I prove to the people that I’m careful with their lives?” stated Edward with a rather serious look across his face, raising his right hand up to take a sip from his drink.  “You may be a great king Edward, but to me you’re still the same butthead I met seven years ago” Jamina spoke with a cheeky tone and smirk on her lips. Her arms still placed across her chest, her hazel eyes drifting towards the table with her thoughts taker over her conscious.

Lowering his glass back to the desk, Edward looked to Jamina, a light smile over his face slightly remembering his past years with her, practising his swordsmanship in the dirt yard outside the mages guild, where he had been adopted.                                                             “Yes, I hope that is how you always remember me, as the butt head!” He said smiling softly, placing his hands together over the table. Chuckling to himself, forgetting about the documents that sat before him.                                                                                                           “I will be taking care of my own duties now Edward, make sure to do the same.” Spoke Jamina forcefully, slightly bowing towards him with a smile on her face as she walked out the door, softly closing it behind her.

Edward himself was too caught up within his memories to realize that Jamina had left the room, only coming back to reality as the door closed sending an echo through the office. Edwards’s eyes focused back into his surroundings, slamming his hands on the table, slightly shaking his head in an attempt to wake himself up.                                                                       “Right, I still have all this to take care of” Edward grasped the pen with his right hand, gripping his fingers over it and sliding his signature over the page before him. Slipping it towards a small box on the ground beside him, sliding another page towards him as he had completed the one before hand.

“Fire”! The sound of a soldier’s voice screaming out came through Edwards’s window, sending a look of confusion over his face as he stood on his two feet turning himself clockwise towards the window behind him. Gazing his eyes towards a shadowy figure, standing atop the roof, a mere twenty meters in front of him glaring towards him through its light blue large eyes, as a dark hood covered its facial features completely.                                         “Who is that, and why are they there?” Edward abruptly exclaimed, gazing his eyes towards the garden, seeing three mage soldiers standing on the concrete slabs yelling towards the shadowed figure.                                                                                                                              “Stop thief! Or pay the price of blood!” The words the soldiers had chosen to take shocked Edward, making him frantically look towards the shadowy figure, viciously swiping his hand across to his right in an attempt to warn it to leave.

Edward spotted a slightly orange red glow bellow the shadow figure.                                   “What are you doing?” Edward yelled as the orange red glow sparked into a flame, smashing into the wall that the shadow figure stood upon. Sending smoke and flame into the air covering the area where the shadow once stood.                                                     “Seems I still have some work to do before this kingdom is rid of all evil.” Spoke Edward with a frown upon his face, sitting himself back into his wooden chair, covering his face hiding within his palms.

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