Distant Worlds Chapter Two

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Chapter two: relocation

The loud creek of the long hallways dark wooden planks echoed through the castle muffling at its destination of Edwards bedroom door “do you think he’s in there?” a soft mellow voice came through the crack’s that surrounded the frame work of the door.

The slam of the door connecting to the wall awoke Edward from his slumber sending his eyes and mouth wide open as he screamed his words towards the two male figures charging towards him “What are you doing?!” in the moment Edwards words escaped his mouth the larger man had pinned him to his bed covering his mouth with a small dark blue torn rag muffling his voice, The shorter lankier man stood at the edge of Edwards bed opening his palms revealing a white painted pentagram on each of his palms along with a large grin across his dark shadowed face showing only his large light blue eyes “you have proven to be of no use to us Edward, we have been ordered to dispose of you how we see fit” the man’s deep cracked voice sent fear into Edward. His eyes staring towards an orange glow forming from the man’s palms, his eyes starting to close, fading his surroundings into that of an empty black space “forever you shall be trapped in a distant world” the man’s voice became softer with every passing second before no sound nor vision became noticeable to Edward his mind blank lost in the darkness.

“Ahh!” Edward screamed shooting his upper body upwards having himself sat on a soft grass filled ground, his eyes wide, looking at his surroundings of trees, bushes and tall grass. The sound of animals yelling towards each other filled Edwards ears followed by a heavy cool wind rustling his hair “where the hell am I!?” Edward yelled, swiftly rising to his feet frantically stepping from left to right, gazing towards the large trees surrounding him with a confused aggravated look in his eyes.

“If you keep yelling like that the Milectours will find you with ease” a high pitched voice came from behind Edward sending him into a state of shock, sliding his body around with his right foot pivoting his left leg slightly forcing his clenched left fist towards the location of the voice only to see a small boy looking between the ages of thirteen to fifteen. A sudden pressure clenched Edwards wrist sending him towards the ground his arm now gripped behind his back a large weight sitting on his spine rendering any movements he made useless. “Daltox! Let him go, I merely startled him he meant me no harm” the young boy said in a formal manner acting far beyond his estimated age, the large male lifted himself from Edward letting his grip vanish from his wrist as he stood next to the young boy his arms crossed over his chest showing his muscles towards Edward like that of a warning he stared directly at Edward marking his movements “My name is Jason and this here is my body guard and close friend Daltox, I’m terribly sorry for the misunderstanding we didn’t come here to hurt you we merely wondered who was yelling there words out so viciously” Jason said with a small smile looking towards Edward, blood stained over his thin white shirt that seemed to have dripped to his light brown pants where as the larger male Daltox wore a small set of leather armour only covering his legs and upper chest showing the large scars scaled across his body.

“Jason and Daltox” Edward said softly stating their names once again a look of astonishment across his face a lack of blinking coming from his eyes “I am known as Edward, King Edward Votelshvont it’s a pleasure to meet you both” Edward said with a bow towards the two males standing in front of him placing his right arm behind his back crossing his legs over one another gazing towards the ground with a small smile “The pleasure is mine Edward” Jason said returning the bow to Edward rising himself as he saw Jason do the same “you’re not from around here are you Edward?” “That depends, where am I?” Edward answered placing his arms by his side gazing his eyes towards Jason and Daltox not quite sure where he was or how he had travelled there “you’re in the land of Laxor” Jason swiftly replied looking slightly upwards to Daltox with a questionable expression covering his facial features “Laxor?...” Edwards eyes widened reacquainting his mind with the memories of his previous night “is that what he meant” “how about you stay the night at my house, rest up some gain your strength” Jason stated cutting his words in front of Edward’s gaining his utmost attention “it’s not very far from here, a mere one hundred fifty meter’s from this location, Daltox and I shall lead the way” Edward without a word nor a thought of caution followed Jason and Daltox just a short distance behind the two of them placing his legs forward one after the other his long snow white hair swaying behind him.

“here we are” Jason said looking at his brick layered house the broken windows around its walls allowing moss and weed’s to grow to its inside interior spreading through the walls, the dirt filled tile roof dripping mucky water towards the ground spreading the filth through the cracks of its concrete ground “this is your house?” Edward said with his eyes slightly drooped no emotion clear on his face “yes, this is my humble home you may have your pick of room’s, Daltox and i shall sleep in any spare room” Jason said with a bright smile over his face being somewhat proud of the rotted old shack he calls his home “thank you ever so” Edward said bowing slightly to Jason and Daltox before making his way into the house cringing slightly at the rotted interior that surrounded him “it’s not like there is many room choices” Edward pronounced making his way through a small damp wooden door laying his body over a ripped mattress laid over the floor closing his eyes only to remember the kingdom he had left behind.

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