Chapter 1 - A Night Out

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"Come on Britt.. just a few hours." Mike begs.

"I don't know guys..."

"But why not? Come on now Britt, when's the last time you went out and just had fun?"

I look around at Mike and a few of my dancer friends as they await my response. Jake's right though, I can't remember the last time I did anything other than work in this studio and go home to Tubbs. I think if it weren't for Quinn dragging me out the house every now and then I'd probably never leave and it's not like I don't want to hang out with them, I just haven't had the time too. Between classes here, and my waitressing job because working here alone won't cut it, I've just been too busy.

I look at the few faces in front of me.

Then sigh out. "Okay, I've got the night off so why not."

I barely finish speaking before they start cheering.

"Great!" Mike beams. "We'll be going out to Delirium do you know where that is?"

"Yeah it's a few minutes from my place." I respond.

"Awesome, we usually carpool with alternating designated drivers."

"I'll be the D.D. tonight since Jake did last time." Aubrey cut in.

"And I'll text you later about it, but for now be ready by 10?"

He puts up both hands, slightly wiggling them and showing all 10 fingers, paired with a nice smile.

"Okay sounds good. See you all later tonight." I wave and make my way out the studio.

I made the roughly 20 minute walk home and flop on the couch after I finally make it up to my apartment. Greeting Lord T, I give him some food and put a pizza in the oven for myself.

It's times like these that I appreciate and also dislike, when it's just me and Tubbs most afternoons. It's nice to be able to come home and relax but I also kind of wish I had someone to come home to.

I lay on my couch staring at the ceiling waiting for my pizza to be done when Tubbs hops up next to me and nuzzles into my side. I scratch at his head in that spot he loves so much right behind his right ear and listen to him purr. I feel my eyelids begin to droop a little and I almost let them close before I remember the food in the oven so I swing my legs off the couch, careful not to move LT and sit at the counter waiting. Thankfully it was done after a few more minutes.

Taking it out the oven, I turn it off but right as I go to eat it there's a knock on the door.

"Who do you think that could that be Lord?"

I open the door to see Quinn on the other side.

"Hey Q! What's up?" I ask, stepping to the side to let her in.

"Just was in the neighborhood and decided to stop by." She takes her shoes off by the door and goes over to the counter to sit.

"Want some pizza?" I offer.

"Mmm no thanks, not hungry."

"Okay, well.." I began but a text from Mike interrupts me.

- Hey Britt, since you live closest we'll be picking you up last. Remember 10 pm - Mikey

- See u later! So excited

I put my phone down and look back at Quinn. "Sorry Mike texted me. I'm going out tonight with him and the other dancers."

"You, Brittany S Pierce are going to see the outside world without me forcing you? I'm proud." She wipes a pretend tear from her eye.

"Yeah yeah." I reply. "I am beat from this last class I taught and considering I'll be out all night I kind of wanted to get some sleep in so feel free to stay if you want but I'm going to eat this pizza and take a nap. I have three and a half hours before they get here." I pick up a slice and sit down next to her.

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