Chapter 7 - The Catch Up

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"So, how's it been at the studio?" Quinn asks as we're sat outside eating lunch. "Santana still being a pain in the ass?"

I chuckle at that and respond. "You have noooo idea." I draw out. "A couple days ago she made Jordan change this one section right? I helped him with it, he loved it but she almost immediately shut it down and made him go back to the original choreography with some minor changes. But the funny thing is, the next day we were going through it, and I recognized a big piece of what I showed him the day before coming through and she didn't say a word!"

I roll my eyes and continue.

"It's crazy because now half of the time there's a problem, Jordan will ask for my help, we fix it and we just run through it the next day without telling Santana and almost every time she likes it! I'm telling you Q, she's got something against me!"

I can feel myself getting a bit angry so I pause and take a breathe.

"Honestly forget about me, she's dragging this out so much longer than needed! Within the first few rehearsals something always needed to be changed, when we finally got through the full song and had almost perfected it, of course there was an issue again. Going back to me for a second, I've been working my butt off for the past week and a half for her and all I get are dirty looks, a bad attitude and picked on!" I toss my hands up in frustration.

"Sorry.. had to vent.." I sigh.

"It's alright B." She puts a comforting hand on mine as we continue to eat.

"Honestly Q I just don't think I can do this much longer.."

"You only have to be around her during shoots right? That's only a couple days long, you'll make it, I'm sure."

"Yeah but there's been talk of an album coming out soon that the label is going to want videos for as well. Her manager has been selecting people I guess to talk about extending their time to work on some other songs."

"That doesn't sound so bad.. maybe if you talk to her about it and figure out what's going on things will be less tense on her end you know B?"

"My mom said the same thing." I shake my head slightly.

"She's smart." She shrugs.

"I just want to go back to Mike's studio and dance for the kids and people there! I should've never went to those auditions. I enjoyed my life as a dance teacher ya know."

"Look, you're a great dancer B, they're definitely going to ask you about staying on with the company and I think you should take it. Think about all the cool people you've met since working there, plus it's a change, change is inevitable and honestly once all of this Santana mess gets sorted I know you'll enjoy it. Plus the friends you've made, you wouldn't know em if you didn't audition!"

"Turns out I would've known Jordan either way!" I laugh. "Apparently we met while partying that one night a couple weeks ago plus he has a crush on Mike. Turns out he's a longtime friend of Aubrey's so we were bound to meet eventually."

"Okay well.. everyone else. Look all I'm saying is don't just turn this opportunity away because Santana wants to be a pain in the ass. You deserve this opportunity, you work hard and you know what you're doing. Don't toss this aside over a woman, just take some time to think about it you know B?"

I take a deep breathe in. Then exhale slowly.

"Okay fine I'll think about it."

"You promise?"

"I promise I promise." I laugh a bit. "Now, enough about me tell me what's going on in your life. I've been so busy with this that we haven't had a chance to talk."

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