Nine Seconds

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Her jet-black hair blows gracefully in the wind as she turns around to look back at me, giving me a wink and a peace sign with her fingers. Her highschool uniform fits so perfectly on her, just the right length for her skirt that I can see her beautiful long legs but not too much that it's too revealing. Her blouse perfectly buttoned, not too high that I can't see her cleavage, but just low enough to leave things to my imagination. Her hair, medium length, of course I will say how just right it is. What can I say, she's perfect for me. I couldn't have asked for a better senior year, with her by my side. I'm planning to enter the same university as her in just a few months after summer's end. I need to follow her wherever she goes because she is that magical.

We are those eighteen-year-old high school sweethearts. Could I marry her one day? I only wish we can keep things going the way they are, because I never want our story to take a turn for the--


She let out a laugh of contentment, "Kanako!" She shouted my name with her hands cupping around her smile. "I love you!"

I run towards her in panic as she stands upon the rooftop edge about to take her next and final step to death.


She sat at the piano playing a tune she told me her grandmother used to sing to her when she was a little girl. I sat beside her at the piano and listened. It was peaceful until she said, "Kanako...Want to wake up with me?"

"What do you mean?" I asked as her fingers faltered on the keys.

"You know, I'm so happy with you. This must be a dream," she said; "Wouldn't you want to wake up with me? If we were dreaming, I'd want to wake up next to you."

I shouldn't take her seriously, I thought. She was probably like this with all the girls at Kodachi High. After all, she was popular with the ladies.

"Haruka, stop playing games," I said but she hushed me with her lips. They were as soft as I expected.

I pulled back. "I'm not--"

Before I could say anything she leaned in again, this time not only kissing me. I felt her small hand caress my breast. Tingles ran through my stomach and my hands went cold. I was nervous and she must have read my mind.

"Don't be nervous," she whispered between tender kisses on my lips. Her other hand creeped slowly up my leg and under my skirt. She was about to touch my valuables, when she just stopped.

She leaned back and sighed, and looked disinterested. My heart was racing, I couldn't comprehend what just happened, let alone why she stopped when I was getting so hot for something I didn't even know I would like. Then she said to me, "You know, I'm not a lesbian."

She looked me dead in the eyes with the uttermost seriousness before breaking out into a laughter, "I just like to mess around, have a little fun. I never go the whole way..." Her right index finger caressed the keys on the piano in a shy manner.

The third period bell sounded and we could hear the others filling up the hallways. I grabbed her right hand with my left. "Let's get to class."

There was one other time that I should have noticed...

"I'm actually in love with you," I confessed my love to her at the firefly festival. The sky was lit with only stars and the lanterns illuminated the pathway in the garden behind our school. It was just me and her sitting on a bench enjoying the scenery. She got up to try to catch a firefly.

"Are you even listening to me?" I was getting a little irritated that she wasn't taking me seriously. She had changed me in so many ways; she was my best friend that turned into someone I love. I needed her approval to make us official.

Haruka finally captured the firefly, then crushed it in her hands.

My eyes widened. I couldn't believe she would do that.

"My hands were like life," she turned to me as she rose from her crouched position. "You and me--the firefly. Given the right condition," she wiped her hands on her skirt, " life can destroy us into the bliss we never knew we needed."

"What does that even mean?" I was confessing my love and she was spouting randomness, so I dismissed it and asked, "Do you even love me back?"

"Yes," She said. "You will be the only one I ever love."

I was relieved. She was mine and I was hers. So when she tells me to come to the rooftop today, our graduation day, I'm eager to see her, but this is not what I expect to see. I run toward her, everything makes sense now, I can't let her go through this alone, I have to be with her. She soon steps off the ledge, I grab her as we plummet and we hold each other hard. Life's grasp is enclosing, and these are our last nine seconds. "Why?" I ask her.

"Because, I want to wake up next to you," are her last words. 

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