Chapter 14

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I woke up the next day and Alice and I went through our morning routine in silence before I ate breakfast in my room and went down to the arena for the final between Alex and Arthur. I went over to Alex's tent where he was just getting into his armour with the help of one of our servants. I tapped him on the shoulder and he turned to face me, smiling when he realised that it was just me.

"You okay?" He asked, and I nodded before giving him a quick good luck and reaching up to peck his cheek. I then walked away from him and towards my seat next to father. I sat down and waited anxiously for the fight to start. I looked over into the stands and saw that Morgana, Gwen and Alice were all looking over at me. I smiled at them and they all returned the gesture.

Soon enough the horns began to play and Alex and Arthur walked into the arena. "Welcome all to the final of this tournament to honour Lady Elizabeth and Prince Alexander." Father said, standing up. I noticed him send a pointed look towards Arthur but decided to ignore it as knights were coming and taking their cloaks.

Soon enough their swords were interlocked and the fight began. They were pretty well matched, and it was difficult to tell who would be the winner, until Alex knocked Arthur's shield out of his hand and managed to knock him to the ground. Alex put his sword to Arthur's throat and the crowd erupted into cheers. It was over, just like that. Alex had won.

Alex was kind enough to help Arthur up, before the visiting Prince came over and pulled a single rose from within his armour. "My Lady." He said, before handing it to me. I thanked him and smelt the rose, taking in the familiar scent. Alex then led me out of the royal box and away from the arena to his tent where a servant was waiting.

The servant started to help Alex out of his armour and I watched carefully as he did so. The Prince's eyes met mine and I smiled up at him gently. "Well done for winning," I said, but Alex ust sighed, not exactly the reaction I was expecting. "What's wrong?" I asked, and he looked at me, before dismissing the servant and coming to stand closer to me.

"It was an unfair fight. In all the time I've been coming to Camelot I've never been able to beat Arthur in a fight. Yes I'm good, but it just seems to come naturally for him. And I saw the King speaking with Arthur almost immediately before the fight. I think he was telling Arthur not to win, because this Tournament is to celebrate us, not Camelot." Alex explained and I placed my hand on his shoulder.

"Whatever father said to Arthur it doesn't matter, the fight was great to watch, and it's not like the outcome of the fight would change the position we're in, so don't worry about it." I said, and Alex smiled down at me fondly. "You always know what to say." He said, before kissing the top of my head. "We should get back to the castle." I said in a whisper and Alex ust nodded before grabbing my hand and leading me back to the castle, and taking me to my room.

I sat in my room in the most comfortable dress I owned, reading a new book that Geoffrey had given me earlier this week, I just hadn't got round to reading it with all the new information. I didn't even look up when I heard the door open as I knew it would be Alice. "Everyone's eating in the Main Hall tonight, your father wishes to tell you all something. I believe that they have finalised a date for the wedding." I heard my maid say, making me groan in frustration.

"Don't be like that, this is going to happen whether or not you like it, why don't you make it the wedding of your dreams, and then like in all your dreams, pretend that you're marrying Arthur, not Alexander." She said, making me look away from my book and glare at her. "Yeah, but then I have to leave Camelot, and actually live with Alex." I said, making Alice roll her eyes.

"We'll jump that bridge when we get to it, now come on, we need to get you ready." She said, making me sigh. I didn't have the heart to tell her that I wasn't going to take her with me when I left, so I put my book down and let her get me ready for dinner without saying a word. Once I was ready I let Alice stay behind and do any work she needed to do, while I walked down to the hall.

I went into the hall as soon as I got there and was pleased to see that I wasn't the only one missing. Both Father and King David were in there, along with Morgana, but neither Prince was to be seen. I went over and sat next to Morgana and we began a hushed conversation. Soon enough Arthur and Alex arrived and dinner was served. I was quiet while I was eating, only making an occasional comment, as my mind drifted to what Alice had said earlier about the date for the wedding.

Too soon the meal came to an end and King David stood up. "Thank you all for joining us, we could have just done this with Alex and Lady Elizabeth, but I felt as though it was necessary to have Prince Arthur and Lady Morgana here as well. King Uther and I have decided that the wedding will be three days from now. This gives the two of you time to decide on things that you want for the wedding, although planning will have to start immediately." He said, and my heart dropped slightly, and I shared a panicked look with Morgana.

I knew this was something that I wouldn't be able to change, but it made it feel a whole lot more real, actually having a date set for when we would be married. "There's just one thing we need to know tonight, and that is the colours you would like to incorporate." Father said, and I looked at Alex. We hadn't discussed anything about the wedding yet, and I felt completely overwhelmed by this.

"Umm, how about blue? Then it's as if we're welcoming Elizabeth to our kingdom." Alex said, placing his hand over mine on the table. I nodded slowly, agreeing with the idea. "I think it's best if we get an early night, we have a busy few days ahead of us." Alex said, before standing up, waiting for me to do the same. I stood and followed my fiancé out of the room.

"Lizzie, everything will be okay, I promise, do you want me to walk you back to your room?" He asked as soon as the doors were closed. I shook my head, but was secretly glad that he had noticed that something was wrong. I absentmindedly walked back to my chambers and quickly got into my nightclothes, and then fell asleep, finding myself dreaming of the wedding to come.

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