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NealLightwood prompt: include a rebellion lead by a main character, and an offensive gender stereotype used by a side character as satire


Every muscle in my body tenses. The fear that holds them in place seeps through, wells in my stomach and fills me with the most awful dread I think I've ever felt.

"So she is your girlfriend." Foxx's voice, so light and casual, shatters through the warmth of this moment and pierces my heart. His shoes clack on the hard ground as he approaches, whilst Via draws away, face flushing.

"Foxx..." I have to say something. I can just explain, right? "It's not what you think it is."

"It's not?" Dismay is the last emotion I expected to hear in his reply, but there it is, so confusing in its clarity.

"You can't tell anyone," hisses Via with a new kind of dominance. "They find out, and I'll slit your throat."

"Via!" I whisper chidingly.

"No, no, it's okay," replies Foxx hurriedly, shrinking away from her. "I'm not going to report anything, I promise."

This catches both of us off-guard. "Why, what is it you want?" asks Via.

"I don't want anything," he explains with a nervous laugh. "I'm just... wow. What are the chances?"

Via and I exchange glances.

"In English, please," she says, confused but calmer.

Foxx's hand slides up to scratch just behind his ear again. "Look, this is a bad place to explain, but -" He exhales again. "I'm - I'm not straight. Either."

My heart misses a beat. At first, I collapse onto the bench behind me, weak with relief. But I catch Via's skeptical eye, and then examine Foxx - who now seems to be melting from embarrassment.

This just complicates everything, I realise.

"What do you mean, not straight? You're gay?" Via questions dubiously. "How can we trust you're not lying?"

"Not gay, no," mutters Foxx.

"Well, what are you, then?"

Foxx takes a deep breath to steady himself. I exchange a glance with Via again.

"Have you ever heard of... well, it's hard to explain," he starts quietly. "I am... aromantic. And asexual. Which means I don't experience romantic or sexual attraction. At all, in my case."

He releases the breath, before rushing to add, "I know I'm young, and I know it's probably not something you'll understand or believe straight away, but this is who I am, and I guess now we're being forced into a relationship, it's important for you to know - but don't tell me I'm making it up or anything, please, and-"

"Foxx." I stop him, before he starts blubbering. There's a silent moment where I try to form a reply in my head. "I mean... I'm not exactly one to judge you for not being straight."

The boy laughs; it's nervous still, but with a little mirth. He finally looks up at me from the floor.

"This relationship wasn't gonna work out anyway, so..." I'm not sure what else to say. Foxx is right when he says I don't understand it instantly, but I try to offer him a reassuring smile and nod.

No romantic or sexual attraction. He wouldn't have wanted a relationship from me either. This is amazing, and awful. It means both of us are traitors.

"How long have you known?" asks Via more tenderly.

"I don't know," Foxx admits. "I've always thought something was wrong with me - I mean, I was the only kid who never dreamed of being matched, I was never tempted to date and I never thought celebrities on the TV were hot - but it only really clicked a year or so ago. I first heard the terms when a friend mentioned it in passing - in bad context, really - but I've met other people that are like me. Good people."

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