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Minutes later, there's a knock at the door. Foxx, still on the phone to another connection, hops up to get it, and returns with a person about twenty-something by his side in a long-sleeved white t-shirt and a baggy band tee over the top. Their soft brunette hair is capped by a grey beanie smothered in pin badges, and when they smile professionally over at me it reveals braces.

"Krystal, twenty-four, they/them, bisexual, head of the Society of Citizens Against Compatibility Matching, traitor to this country, pleasure to meet you." They extend a hand with business-like confidence, which I shake, half in awe of how fast they're speaking.

"So." They come round to stand in the middle of the room. "Foxx, how many have you contacted?"

"Apollo and Dionne are coming over right now, they've promised to get their group involved," he explains. "Zoe too. The UQG aren't interested though."

Krystal nods curtly. "We'll bring the UQG round in time. Otherwise that's perfect, thank you. Now, this trapped soldier, where are they being held?"

"Last time I saw her, she was in the station in Sudkirk," I answer. "They probably moved her to immediate detainment, though, that's what they tried with me."

"That was most likely one of ours."

"What was?"

"An Officer took you on your own. asked you what you were arrested for, then asked if he was worth it when you answered PMF. Correct?"

"Pre-Match fornication," clarifies Foxx quickly.

I stare at Krystal. "Um... yeah. How did you kn-"

"It was one of ours!" they exclaim.

"The Officer who released you in the car was an undercover member of the SCACM, Krystal's group," Foxx explains. "What they said to you was a test, to see if you were a member too; the coded response would've been to say worth the fight."

"Oh." I nod, absorbing this new information. The Officer might've just realised I was being genuine, even though I didn't know the code. That would explain why they so randomly let me go.

"So the nearest detainment centre from Sudkirk would be in Banbury," Krystal recites. "And then the nearest psychotherapy centre would likely be the one in central Castleingate. If we head directly there via Southborne Road, and arrange for everyone else to meet us in various locations nearby so as not to be conspicuous, we can launch an attack on the centre just long enough to get the fallen soldier out."

As they speak, a knocking comes from in the hallway and Foxx hops up to get the door. In comes another person, presumably one of the ones that Foxx mentioned. She strides confidently in, catches Krystal's eye and freezes.

"Hello... soldier," Krystal greets hesitantly. The two hold eye contact for a tense moment, neither saying a thing, before Foxx steps towards me and forces a grin.

"Zoe, this is Archie. Archie, Zoe. It's Archie's partner who's in trouble."

"Nice to meet you," I say uncertainly, glancing between her and Krystal, who's now turned stiffly away from us.

"Likewise," replies Zoe, still staring at the back of Krystal's head.

Within seconds the door's knocked at again, and two more people have come into the room - a quiet boy with dark curls and a nose piercing, and a girl in dungarees who doesn't let go of his hand. Foxx introduces them as Apollo and Dionne.

"I'm sure you've heard the situation," Krystal says after greeting them formally. "We're planning an all-out attack on the centre to get the soldier out. No expenses spared."

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