Wait, what?

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Wait, what?

... or 6 times Austin and Ally almost got together ... and one time they did.


The 1st time – You love her, you idiot!

Austin Moon and his girlfriend Kira Starr were having dinner at the Melody Diner. They had been together for almost a month now and to say things were a little bit rocky would have to be an understatement. Mindy, the waitress, had just left their table after recommending "the famous Cha-Cha Chicken Pot Pie" and their conversation started heading in a very dangerous direction.

"Austin, I have to talk to you about something. It's been on my mind for quite some time now and recent events have only confirmed my suspicions," Kira started.

"This is about Ally, isn't it?" Austin suspected. "Kira, I've told you a million times. She's my best friend but that it. Nothing more and nothing less. There has never been anything more between the two of us."

"I don't doubt that. But that doesn't mean that there can't or won't be," Kira said. "You know you're in love with her, right? And have been for quite some time, it seems."

"Wait, what?" Austin asked. "Since when?"

"Since pretty much always, I'd guess," Kira shrugged. "I'm not mad, the two of us just aren't meant to be. That's why I'm breaking up with you. So, go get that girl!"

Kira stood up, placed a quick kiss on her now ex-boyfriend's cheek and started walking towards the door just as it opened. The two new customers entering the diner were none other than Ally Dawson herself and her best friend Trish De la Rosa. Seeing their friends, they waved in greeting and headed in their direction. Kira greeted both of them with a smile and while Trish sat down in another booth, she stopped Ally from doing the same.

"He's all yours," Kira told the brunette.

"Thank you," Ally answered without thinking. "Wait, what?" she echoed Austin's words from before. Kira just smiled at her and left without saying anything else. Ally turned towards Austin and looked at her friend questioningly.

"Er ... it's nothing," Austin assured. "Well, gotta go." And without waiting for a response, he fled the diner as well. He had some serious thinking to do.


The 2nd time – Sleepover confessions

A couple of days after the big break-up Austin, Ally, Dez and Trish decided to have a sleep-over at Sonic Boom – the music store owned by Ally's father. What followed was a night filled with planning Austin's next performances, watching scary movies and playing classic games – like a round of Truth or Dare that may or may not have involved a dare concerning Dez and a phone call to the self-proclaimed "love of his life" Mindy that had Austin, Ally and Trish howling with laughter. Finally, the four friends were exhausted and starting to fall asleep. A little while later, the room was filled only with the sound of even breathing. Well, except for one very uneven breather – the still-awake singer Austin Moon himself.

Because you see, ever since his break-up with Kira, Austin couldn't stop thinking about his ex-girlfriend's words. And after a lot of denial he had finally come to accept the truth: he had feelings for his best friend Ally Dawson. And that was not the end of it: by now Austin was pretty sure that he was head over heals in love with the girl. Now there was only one problem: those feelings were scaring the hell out of poor Austin because he had never felt something like this before. He was torn between wanting to tell Ally as soon as possible and wanting to take this secret to the grave with him. But seeing his best friend lying next to him, he had an idea.

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