Still Falling for you

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Still Falling for you

... or 4 times Ally literally fell for Austin ... and one time he really fell for her.


The 1st time – The little things

Ally, Austin, Trish and Dez were having a movie night at Ally's house. Her father was away overnight on a business trip, so Ally had asked her friends if they wanted to have a sleepover. All four of them were already dressed in their pajamas and had made themselves comfortable in the Dawsons' living room.

"Ally, this was a great idea!" Trish declared from her place on the couch. She was wearing a leopard print pajama with pink fuzzy slippers. Her hair was held back by a matching pink glittery hairband.

"Trish, you look positively adorable!" Dez exclaimed as he entered the room dressed in a multicolored flannel pajama and Zalien-slippers.

"Say that again and I'll throw you out that freaking window, you ... what are you doing?" Trish asked while Dez walked towards the window.

"Checking how high the drop is, see if it's worth it."

"And?" Ally asked worried.

"Eh ..." Dez waved it off and moved to the armchair. Relieved by this answer, Ally made her way to the second couch. The girl pulled off the oversized sweater she had put on earlier to reveal a grey Snoopy shirt with the words cutie pie written on it, matching the purple-pink plaid pajama bottoms she was wearing. "I stand corrected. Ally's won the award for Most Adorable Nightwear tonight. Congratulations, cutie pie."

"Hey, I'm cute and I know it." Ally winked at Dez and both him and Trish burst out laughing.

"What's with all the laughing? What did I miss?" Austin asked, coming into the room. He was wearing dark blue pajama bottoms and a simple grey shirt.

"Just tonight's award ceremony. And I hate to burst you bubble, but you would have been no competition whatsoever." Dez looked at Austin's pajama critically.

"Hey, nobody told me!" Austin protested. "What was the award even for?"

"Most Adorable Nightwear tonight," Dez and Trish chorused.

"Well, okay. I guess you guys have a point there." Austin looked himself up and down. "So, who won?"

"Our little cutie pie over there," Trish explained pointing to Ally.

Austin took a closer look at Ally for the first time since entering the room. "I can see that" was all he said before coming to sit beside her since Trish was taking up all of the space on her couch.

"Can we start the movie now?" Dez asked excitedly. He really wanted to see the newest Zalien movie.

"I'm just gonna grab a few snacks from the kitchen. You can set everything up, if you want." Dez didn't have to be told twice and was already making his way towards the TV.

"I'll help you," Austin offered and followed Ally into the kitchen.

"You're doing a great job," Trish praised. "I'll be here supervising."

Ally and Austin both rolled their eyes at their friend and chuckled while inspecting the kitchen. They found chips, pretzels, cookies and ice-cream. Austin was very satisfied with their findings but Ally was still missing one particular thing. The girl went over to the cupboard where she remembered the jar of pickles being kept on the highest shelf. She stood on her tiptoes but was still too small to reach.

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