Kiss-cam Scam

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Kiss-cam Scam

Austin, Ally, Trish and Dez currently were at a basketball game – Miami Heat vs. New York Knicks. Originally, only Austin and Dez had wanted to go, but Trish had just been fired from her latest job and, therefore, she had nothing better to do. And since she didn't want to go alone, she had dragged her best friend Ally along with her. However, both girls had to admit that it wasn't as bad as they had imagined, Ally especially was starting to get completely immersed in the game by the time halftime rolled around.

"Why have we never done this before?" Ally asked her friends while excitedly hopping up and down in her seat.

"Because you never liked sports," Dez explained matter-of-factly.

"Well, starting today I'm officially a changed person. I like sports now!" Ally exclaimed happily.

"Oh Boy! What have we done?" Austin asked teasingly, while shaking his head and smiling at Ally sitting next to him.

"Excuse me?" A small voice asked from right beside him and Austin turned to find a little girl smiling shyly up at him. "Are you Austin Moon?"

"Why yes I am," Austin grinned at her. "What can I do for you, sweetie?"

"Can I have your autograph?" she asked blushing furiously.

"We're sorry to disturb you," the little girl's mother intervened. "But I'm pretty sure, she's your biggest fan."

"Well, then I think it was about time we met," Austin said with a charming smile. "What's your name, sweetie?"


"Caitlin. That's a very pretty name," Austin complimented.

"Here Austin, you can sign that for her," Dez said handing him a picture of himself from what appeared to be a whole stack of Austin-pictures inside his bagpack.

"Dez, how come you have a bunch of pictures of Austin?" Trish asked.

"I never leave home without these. And finally, it paid off," Dez explained matter-of-factly. The others looked a bit weirded out but decided not to question it further. That was just Dez for you.

"Do you have a camera with you?" Ally asked Caitlin's mom while Austin signed the picture.

"Yeah, right here. Why?"

"Would you also like a picture with Austin, Caitlin." The little girl's face lit up and Austin couldn't help but grin as well. He threw his arm around the girl's shoulders and Ally took a few pictures.

"Thank you, Austin and Ally," Caitlin said politely.

"It was our pleasure, sweetie," Ally smiled at the girl. Caitlin gave them one last grin and then turned to her mom to look at the pictures of her and her favorite star.

"That was just so cute," Trish gushed, gesturing towards Austin and Caitlin.

Suddenly the song "Kiss the Girl" from the Disney movie The Little Mermaid started playing and everyone's attention was turned towards the jumbotron screens.

"What's that?" Ally asked.

"That's the Kiss-cam," Dez explained. "The camera focuses on a couple and doesn't leave until the two of them share a kiss."

Meanwhile, the camera focused on a few different couples, all of whom immediately started kissing. Suddenly, two familiar faces showed up on the screen – Austin Moon and Ally Dawson. Ally started blushing furiously and tried to cover her head with her hands, while Austin just laughed and made an obvious no-gesture, indicating that the two of them weren't here as a couple. The crowd booed and the camera focused on another couple. The last image of their little group being Trish waving furiously at the screen. Ally let out a relieved breath of air.

However, the camera wasn't quite finished with that particular couple just yet and kept coming back in between other couples. Each time Austin and Ally shook their heads no, but the camera wouldn't leave quite as easily as the first time.

The second time, Dez gave Ally a kiss on the cheek. "What?" he asked after seeing the others' shocked faces. "The song clearly says, kiss the girl!" Ally just shook her head and gave him a grin while Austin might have looked a tiny bit jealous. The camera then focused on another couple.

The third time, Austin leaned over and kissed his biggest fan, little Caitlin, on the cheek. The girl blushed furiosly and her mother started laughing, having managed to get a picture of this moment as well. It really was the little girl's lucky day. The camera then focused on another couple again.

The fourth time, Ally kissed Austin on the cheek and suddenly it was Austin who looked quite a bit flustered. Ally just shrugged but her cheeks were a little red as well, indicating that she too hadn't been unaffected by the kiss. The camera then focused on another couple once more.

The fifth – and last – time, Austin just exclaimed "Oh, for Christ's sake!" and kissed Ally firmly on the lips. The crowd started cheering – with Trish and Dez cheering the loudest. The camera then focused on another couple, having finally achieved its goal. The last image that could be seen of the unwilling couple was both Austin and Ally staring at each other in shock. Both of them sat quietly for the rest of the game, staring ahead blankly in shock and not reacting to anything whatsoever. Trish and Dez sat next to them grinning like they knew something the other two didn't.

After the game was over, all four of them walked out. Austin and Ally's hands kept touching unintentionally and each time they would flinch away and share a flustered look. Trish and Dez excused themselves to head to the bathroom before starting the drive home.

Once their two nosey friends were out of sight, Austin grabbed Ally's hand as if it was the most normal thing to do in the entire world. Ally didn't seem to mind very much as she just smiled at her best friend.

"I wonder why the camera kept coming back to us," Ally said.

"I don't know." Austin shrugged. "But I have to admit, I'm kinda glad it did." He squeezed Ally's hand and stared at her for a moment before leaning in.


Nearby, Trish and Dez were standing next to one of the cameramen. They all looked around suspiciously, hoping nobody would see their interaction. Trish slipped the older man fifty bucks while Dez was keeping watch.

"Thank you, kind sir." Trish grinned at the man.

"No problem, little lady," he said. "I'm a sucker for romance."

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