Chapter 3 - The bandit who stole the princess

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We walked through the school corridor and I stopped now and then to show him several class rooms.The whole time I was careful to keep my distance, his attempts to come closer didn't stop. He pointed at a door.

"Whats in there?" Zayn asked with his attracting accent.

"Irrelevant. Just the storage room." I replied with a weak hand movement.From the corner of my eye I saw how he raised his eyebrows. Before I could say he should leave it and continue walking, he grabbed my wirst and pulled me into the room. He closed the door,pushed me against a shelf and I couldn't see anything.It was dark.A small, very faint light came in through the door slit.I breathed heavily and started to panic, when he suddenly released my wrist. Not knowing where he was scared me secretly but I tried to play it cool.

"Okay Zayn" I squeezed out his name through my clenched teeth. 

"This is not funny!" it was quiet, but I could hear him breathing. With my back pressed against the shelf, I slowly walked towards the door, guided by the thin slit of light. Carefully I put out my hand and finally touched the cool,varnished wood of the door.With my palm I scanned the door for the door handle.My eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness when I found the door handle,pushed her down and pulled slightly. Nothing happened. How was that possible ? You can't lock those doors from the inside, only from the outside and I had heard no key, turning around in the lock. I could see the shelves clearly now, so I decided to turn around and scan the little room for Zayns tall frame. That was unnecessary.I felt like my heart had not beaten for three seconds.This time he was so close to me that the tips of our noses touched each other as I turned around. His head was bowed down to me. His right arm went right past my face and ended with his hand pushed against the wall. Even through his leather jacket I could see that he works out. His other hand was propped against the door just diagonally right above my head. Therefor I couldn't open the door.

"Its not?" he asked, as an answer to my question. "I think its quite amusing." his breath tickled against my cheek.

"What is so amusing about locking yourself up in a room with me?" his eyes were nearly black in the gloom, but it still was bright enough for me to see that dangerous thing in his eyes again. He smirked and I suddenly had the urge to slap him. 

"You can do things in here.Have Fun..." He said and I could hear the smile on his lips when he leaned a bit more forward to kiss my cheek. Disgusted I wiped over my cheek with my hand. To be honest I was anything but disgusted. I enjoyed it. I would love to slap my face for that thought but it was true. His full, soft lips pressed on my cheek for only two seconds sent a shiver down my spine and I liked it. I put my hands against his chest to push him away but he pushed back, with all his weight. It was impossible. 

"You had fun now let me go, oh, and by the way, you should search for someone else to lead you around and who will play your silly games with you, because I'm done with you and I don't even know you longer than an hour." I snapped. Zayn let out a deep laugh.

"Uhm excuse me !?" my voice was two tones higher. "This is not something to laugh or joke about. I think you don't get the seriousness of the situation! Leave me out or..."

"Or?" he interupted me.

I cleared my throat and straightened my shoulders to seem taller. "Or I will tell my dad and you'll fly out of school before you even could attend a lesson." I hissed.

"Sweet." he breathed. "And what can your father do against me?"

"He is the principal of this school, Malik!" I whispered.

"I like it when you say my last name." 

I snorted angrily. "Then it won't happen again." 

"So it seems like I got the jackpot." he said to himself,and bared his white teeth in a crooked smile.

"Why?" I asked him, and I secretly also asked myself. Why am I still talking to him?Why am I still in this room with him ?Why had I not already cried for help? The truth is something about him was attractive,tantalizing...

"Its like the bandit who stole the kings daughter.The princess." I pushed against his chest again,trying to shove him away.He scared me, and he knew it but I tried to hide it. 

"Well I me go now, we will miss the whole first lesson." 

Zayn chuckled. "Thats the last thing you should worry about, Leighton."

That made me swallow hard. "What do you mean?"

"You are afraid to be in here..with me.. alone..right?" 

I shook my head, but I was unsure if he had seen it.

"N-No." I stuttered. 

The school bell rang damped through the door. Great, I had missed the first lesson of the whole school year. If Mrs. Gallagher wouldn't show mercy for me, being the welcoming committee for an idiot, that was a great start of the new and last school year.

"You should be." he whispered roughly.

With seemingly only one move, he pulled me forwards by the hips,so that I was pressed to his body for a short moment,he opened the door, shoved me, and then himself outside.

The bright light burned in my eyes in contrast with the darkness of the storage room, so that I needed some time to rub my eyes and realize all the curious und disapproving glances of the other students in the hall. I pushed a strand of hair behind my ear and looked to the ground. I could feel how all the blood rushed to my cheeks and I blushed. The whole situation was just awkward. What would I think, if a girl and a new guy come out of a dark boxroom ? 

I turned my head to see Zayn, grinning at me.He enjoyed that I was embarrassed. I could feel my eye twitching. Quickly I turned around to go to Mrs. Gallagher's class room. She needs an apologize.I decided to just leave Zayn Malik behind my back. He could go and search another guide. No. He should go and search someone to kick him out of here.He should just disappear from this school and never come back. I would be happy with that...

I think...

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