The new teacher

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Y/N is the new teacher of Defence against the dark arts but she's 18, Draco is 18 too and falls for her.

"I heard we're gonna have a new DADA teacher" Hermione said. "I hope he or she is not a psychopath. I'm tired of being attacked" Ron said. "We're already at an advanced level" Harry said proudly. "Yeah, thanks to you, Harry" Hermione smiled. Then Professor Snape entered the class, looking more monotone than ever. "New teacher were you saying?" Ron mumbled to Hermione, which looked puzzled. "Open your books at page 7 and start reading the first chapter" Snape said.

*timeskip 2 weeks*

"I hate Snape twice more now!" Ron said, finishing his essay about werewolves. "But you know he didn't say anything at the begging of the class about being the new DADA teacher. So maybe-" "Hermione, we got it" Harry sighed, trying to finish his own essay.

"I'll collect your essays and professor Y/l/n will correct them" Snape said next day in class. "Excuse me, Professor, but who are you talking about?" Malfoy asked. Before Snape could answer, the door opened and you entered the classroom. "Defence against the dark arts class?" You asked, feeling every pair of eyes on you. "Yes, miss. Enjoy your stay at Hogwarts" Snape tried a fake smile and left dramatically.

"I think he still hates me" you mumbled. "Alright. Let me introduce myself. I'm Y/N Y/l/n, your new DADA teacher and I'm not a psychopath" you smiled. "Thank God" Ron said to Harry, who couldn't stop starring at you. "Professor Y/N, may I ask how old are you?" Hermione asked. "Before answering that: in class just call me Y/N because I'm not that old. And I'm 18, ex Hogwarts student, Gryffindor house" you said smiling. "Why does Professor Snape hate you?" Dean Thomas asked. "Well, firstly because I'm Gryffindor" some people smiled. "And second, because, despite all his bullying, I manage to take outstanding in Potions in my O.W.Ls" you said proudly.

"Can you tell us about you being a student at Hogwarts?" Hermione asked. "Since it's the first class together, why not? After all, by the look of Snape's face, he enjoyed torturing you" you smiled, making the class laugh as well. "What was your favourite subject?" Neville asked. "That's a very good question" you said walking between their desks. "I really liked Transfiguration and Charms, I find them more useful than Divination, also the subject I'm teaching now was my first favourite, I can say. Because I wasn't much of a following the rules adept, I always got in trouble, so the dark magic in general helped me trough it" you explained, feeling great because they were listening very attentively to your words. "Hasn't You-Know-who tried to persuade you to join him?" Hermione asked. "I was only 5 when the terrible events happened. But I can expect such thing in the near future" you said.

The door burst open and a tiny woman dressed in pink entered, following close behind was Dumbledore. "That's the best teacher you could find, Albus? She didn't even graduate from Hogwarts because she went to defend her poor werewolf family. How do you expect students to get top grades with her as their teacher?" Umbridge asked. "I have my reasons why she got the post. Y/N, you may leave" Dumbledore said, looking over your face, which was contorted between anger and sadness. "See you at the new class" you said to your students, your voice trembling slightly. You heard the headmaster and that bitch having an argument, so you just went and hide in the girls bathroom.

"Owh look who's back" you heard and looked up. "Moaning Myrtle?" "The one and only. People found out about your secret?" She asked, flying around the room. "In the worst way possible" you sighed, more tears falling down. "Harry Potter, you didn't come and visit me" Myrtle pouted. You looked behind your back and saw the Potter boy looking at you. "You should be in class" you said coldly, whipping your tears and standing up. "Just wanted to make sure you are okay" he said, dropping his bag.

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