Inquisitorial squad

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*Draco x reader*

"So, Granger, I'll have five points from you for being rude to our headmistress. Macmillan, five for contradicting me. Five because I don't like you, Potter. Weasley, your shirt is untucked, so I'll have another five for that. Oh yeah, I forgot, you're a Mudblood, Granger, so ten off for that and 20 points for stealing my heart, Y/l/n" Draco said.

Ron pointed his wand at Draco, but Mione stopped him in time. "Wise move, Granger. Be good now, Potty... Weasel king..." he said. "I can't steal something you don't have" you said. He turned to look at you, shocked by your answer. "Another five points for commenting behind my back" he said. "Yeah, take points from us because that's the thing a coward would do!" You said louder.



"What is happening here? Ah, miss Y/l/n and Mr. Malfoy. In my office, now" Snape said. You and Draco exchanged hatred looks, then obeyed. You sat as far as possible from him, but Snape ruined your plans. "Take a seat near Mr Malfoy. You'll have a team work task" l stood up and sat near him. "Now you'll have to sort these ingredients for potions. Only the black beans are good, you can throw the white ones in the bin. No magic. No talking" Snape said before leaving us alone. You didn't plan to make conversation with Draco, but it seemed he was in the mood for it.

"Why do you hate me so much?" He asked. "I could Ask you the same question" you shuffled. "I don't hate you. In fact, I fancy you" he said and your jaw dropped. "If you fancy me, why are you being a total jerk?" "Because I have to keep the Malfoy's pride. It's just because of my father, else, I wouldn't care" he explained. "Hey, black ones, remember?" He caught my wrist before I could put a white bean into the jar. "Sorry I was thinking" you excused yourself. "About?"

"Nothing important"

"Then you should not think about it very much"

"Don't think about you? Alright"

His eyes widened. "Listen, I liked you for a very long time. I thought you are just a misunderstood boy. Then you became a git to me and my friends and I had to push my feelings away. I started to believe what the others were saying. But now, you're opening up to me again and my feelings come flooding back" you said. He cupped your cheek, making you look in his teary eyes, then he pressed his lips softly to yours. You didn't savour the moment properly because Snape came and you had to pull away before he could catch you. "You may go to your dorms" Snape said.

As you were walking down the corridor, Draco slipped his hand into yours. "If we're gonna date-" you began. "We will surely date" he winked. "You have to respect my friends" "Respect Weasel King? You must be kidding" he scoffed. You let got of his hand and walked faster for him to catch up. "Alright, alright! If you promise me you'll go on a date with me" he smirked. "Do I have a choice?" You laughed. He smiled and kissed you sweetly and longer, before you parted to the Gryffindor common room. How the hell I'm going to tell them I'm dating Malfoy?

"So, guys, I kind of started dating Draco"

"You what!" Harry said.

"If you're not gonna please him enough, he'll might take more points from us" Ron said.

"Ron!!! That's totally disrespectful" Hermione said.

"I'll make sure he'll be satisfied😏" you smirked.

Hope you like it 💚

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