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*Draco x reader*
You are Slyterin

"Wait, I think I forgot something" you said to Draco as you were the last one to get off the train. "Okay, hurry up" he replied.

You went back in the train to where you shared the compartment with your Slyterin friends and fell over. "What the fuck-?" You looked behind you, but you couldn't see anything. Then, you heard some muffled sounds coming from a certain spot on the floor. You grabbed the air and pulled an Invisibility Cloak off Harry's petrified body. You swooshed your wand and Harry was able to move again. "You should go to Madam Pomfrey about that nose" you said, helping him up. "Thanks".

"Who did this to you?" You asked. "Malloy" he replied bitterly. "I'm going to have a serious talk with him. He can't get revenge on you because of his father. He deserved the right thing" you said as you got off the train where Ron was waiting for Harry. "Blimey, Harry! Luckily Hermione saw you were missing, so the carriage is waiting for us" he said looking over to you. "If Y/N didn't trip over me, I would be back to London by now" Harry smiled sheepishly. "Yeah you still owe me for that" you laughed along with Ron.

After dinner, you went to the Slyterin common room, finding Draco sitting in front of the fire alone. He would usually sit with Blaise or Crabbe or Goyle, so it was a bit odd. But it was perfect to have the talk with him. "Why did you do that to Harry?" "Because he deserves it ! For all the sneaking and overheard conversations. That prick is ducking curious" he argued. "It was horrible. Even if he hates you, he didn't jinx you. And oh, he could do something really bad to you" you laughed. "Don't come to me talking about that half-blood idiot!" He snapped at you. "I don't care about the bloodline! Only you care! You and your idiotic father who changed you! I don't recognise anything it you! You're a different person with whom I don't think I want to be friends anymore!" You said louder. "Guys, we're trying to sleep" Blaise butted in. "I've finished anyway" you said and left to the girls dormitory.

Next day, you completely ignored Draco. You even had breakfast with Harry, Ron and Hermione and when you went outside for Herbology, Harry gave you his sweater. You caught Draco in the corner of your eye, looking angrier than ever. He pointed his wand at Harry's back. With a swoosh you twisted you and Harry around and shouted Expelliaus and Draco's wand flew into your hand. He looked stunned as well as Harry. "Now you owe me twice" you winked at Harry, then went to retrieve the wand to its owner.

"Now your Potter's bodyguard?" Malloy sneered. "At least he knows how to treat a friend" you said, dropping the wand into the grass for him to pick it up by himself.

You managed to ignore him for one week already, you even switched partners in Potions with Blaise. It was disgusting to see Pansy clinging onto Draco, but you were mad at him. You hated that you love him.

One day, after dinner, you were caught up with your Potions essay and didn't realise it was already 10 - time to go back to your dorm. You picked your essay and books, throwing them in your bag, then sped up to the Slyterin common room. You hide behind a wall because you heard voices. You sneak peak to see who is it and saw Draco again in front of the fire and his father's head trough the flames.

"What do you mean you two had a fight? Draco Lucius Malfoy, do I need to remind you every time that you'll be marrying her after graduating?"

"But dad, she's so stubborn, she doesn't care about being pure blood" Draco said.

"Who? Y/N? Of course she cares. She just wants to be nice and have a lot of friends. She swore she'll do anything for you, so you better make it right between you too. Also, make sure the job he's given to you will be accomplished by you" his father said and disappeared from the flames.

"Stupid fucking shit!" Draco cursed, throwing himself onto the sofa. You decided it was the best moment to talk to him. "Future wife and husband should talk" you said, coming out of your hiding place. "You've been ignoring me" he scoffed. "You never said sorry" you said, sitting near him. You admired his pale face, who was paler than usual and had deep grey bags under his grey eyes. "I'm sorry..." he whispered. "Hey..." you said, cupping his cheek and turning his face towards you. "I'm sorry too... I didn't know what you're put through. The job is about Death Eaters right? That's why you haven't been yourself since the term started. You could have told me and I would  be by your side, husband" you giggled at the nickname, making him smile. "I would like to have you by my side, wifey" he said, rubbing my cheek. "Good, that's good" you said, your eyes flickered from his eyes to his lips. Your eyes were closing not because you wanted to, but because you were so tired and sleepy.

In a swift movement, he had you into his lap, kissing you with passion and love. You interlock your fingers in his blonde hair, while his hands rubbed your back. "I think I love you" he said after you pulled away for air. "Good. Because I wouldn't marry you if you didn't love me" you laughed, pecking his lips again.

You got up and attempted to go to your dorm, when he caught your hand. "Do you feel the same?" He asked. You laughed at his stupidity and kissed him. "Does that answer your question?" You asked smirking. "Hell yeah".

Hope you like it 🍏💚

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