Chapter 35

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It took me a whole month to get 1k views but only two days to get another thousand views. thanks for your support. 

Enjoy the double update for today....

Sam's POV

Everyone was angry at me. Even I was angry at myself for being an asshole to her. Roy and Nate stayed with her at the night.

Nobody let me near her after I tried to reject her. I know if I would have rejected her without knowing the truth I would have never forgiven myself.

I was sitting outside her room. Her wolf was not responding to her. It is just like she never had a wolf. Which is taking more time to heal her.

It was nearly three in the morning when I felt a pain in my heart.

Doctor Jonathon and other nurses rushed towards the room.

I was standing near the door.

"Why is her wolf not responding?" A nurse said keeping her hand on her head.

The heart monitor sound was very high. The commotion in the room was getting more and more loud by each minute and then everything stopped.

Axy howled loudly in mind. I fell on my knees watching a single straight line on the monitor.

Everyone in the room let out a painful howl. The pack felt a connection breaking from the sadness in the air.

She was lying dead in the same bed where she had saved uncountable lives pulling them out of there dead sentence.

It was already morning I fell lifeless. I was still breathing but felt like I was dying every second. I remembered the day while leaving with uncle.


"Hey Sam see what I made for you" She pulled a bouquet of white lilies, "Mom told me that you love white lily."

I ignored her keep fixing my tie. She sighed and kept them in the vase on the table. "Let me help." she said as she raised her hands to help me.

I quickly hold her wrist in a tight grip ignoring the sparks, " Miss Rossy I can do my work by myself. You don't need to interfere in them. by the way you can help me by stopping doing this all lovey dovey things to impress me." I left her hand which was now bruised. I walked towards the mirror in the closet leaving her on verge of tears.

"Why Sam?Why? Why can't you love me? Did I do something wrong? I just want you to love me like a mate does. Am I asking something that big that you are ignoring me?" I glared at her through the mirror and said "yes you did wrong by asking me to love you back like a mate."

Quickly wiping away the tears on her cheeks she glared back "LISTEN SAMUEL YOU WILL SEARCH FOR MY LOVE AND CARE ONE DAY BUT BY THAT TIME I WILL BE NO LONGER NEAR YOU. YOU WILL REGRET PUSHING ME AWAY." after yelling she gabbed her lab coat and walked out of the room. I scoffed at her words.



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Before you decide to kill me I want to tell that...

I was just kidding... I am not gonna let this be the sad ending.... he he he

Ti amo my readers


Royal beta's rejected mateWhere stories live. Discover now