Chapter 44

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Ruby's Pov

"I didn't took anyone's place. I just claimed my place. Which is beside Sam. And for your concerned for some Katherine girl I will like to say that she better not be near 100 metre of radius near me or I can't give you the garnet of what could happen. Thank you for your precious time. Please enjoy the party and Dinner is ready to be served." I said in my most deadliest voice and took Sam away with Roy following behind.

We are now standing in the garden. Trying to stop ourselves from laughing. But it was not possible because of the look of vampire prince was unbelievable and unique.

"Oh my you just insulted the great vampire prince that too in front of three kingdoms. It must have hurt his precious ego so much." Roy was laughing. Sam also joined us.

" yeah I know. But someone will break his ego infront of all the kingdoms one day. That will be the best scene to see but for now it was best. And also I am not going back to the ball unless needed." I said not wanting to meet a very pissed of vampire.

"Let's go somewhere peaceful." Sam said an we walked inside the forest. I was having a hard time to walk with this dress that too when its glows in the dark.

Both of them were walking ahead of me.

We reached at the clean field which was surrounded by flowers. In moon light the place looked too much beautiful to even think that I was not dreaming.

"Know there is a saying this is the place where Moon goddess visits every year during the full moon night to visit her mate. No one had seen her but who had believed this still make sure no one comes here during full moon." Sam said.

"Do you believe in all this?" I asked.

Roy was thinking something then said, "I believe it because every year atleast one time the moon shines very bright than others and the flower indicates that she is here." I nodded at him.

"Ruby I heard that you are going out for some weeks to research on herbs." Roy asked.

"Huh! I never heard of that." Sam asked looking at me accusingly. I ignored him.

"Yeah I am leaving on Monday. And will be back after three weeks." Roy hummed in response. While Sam was going crazy saying me I was not allowed to leave the room or the castle because of rogues. Roy only agreed because I had already asked Uncle make him understand. Now let's get ready for tomorrow midnight. We walked back to castle Sam was still trying to convince me to stay but I didn't talk to him


hi friends hope you are still enjoying 

Do you want me to reveal Sam's past first or Rossy's??

I will give the next update on their past as per your comments....

Enjoy and please vote and comment....

Ti amo 


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