Chapter 48

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Ruby's Pov

"Alpha. Sorry for coming unannounced, but I am not sorry for giving one of your pack traitor a lesson. I will take my leave now." I bowed my head. Even though I am his rank but I can't reveal my identity. My cloak was covering half of my face.

"Thank you. I know you are not someone weak as you hold a high aura. but Who are you?" His voice was deep but held so much authority.

"Alpha Silver. I was just visiting someone while I stumbled here. No threat mean. I don't have much time to spare." I quickly jumped out of the hole. And sprinted but heard Alpha's Last sentence, " I Owe you something for this help. Miss Cloak girl."

I turned back and gave him a nod before running.

As thought I was now sitting at the border line of the last pack to the west. It took me more time than thought.

4 days left. I have no time to waste my body was begging me to shut down and rest. But I have to do it. For Rossy. For Mom. For Dad's Wolf. For the innocent people who are scared of this.

After searching for a whole day I found the cabin in the west mountain. It had the symbol of witch kingdom.

As promised there was a map and a key that will be helping me to reach the top of the mountain soon. If this night will pass I will just have three days. 'Without paying much attention to any other thing I just grabbed the Map with the key that was near it and the granola bar.

The view in the west side was something everyone admired but no one dared to near it. Silently following the map I had to kill many rogues so they won't make any distraction.

One time I was near to fall of the mountain because my leg slipped near the waterfall. But I managed to stay straight.

By the time I reached at the top I was breathing heavily. The sun was shinning high in the sky. It means it's already noon. I never thought it will be this hard. The rocks were slippery. But it was worth a try. And gave me a mind blowing adventure.

I was too much weak that I will not be able to take down one more rogue . The scratches and cuts were litter in my body. I walked aimlessly following the map. From the top I can see the rogues in there camps. But I will never be able to take them down atleast not now.

For now I need a proper meal and enough rest to get ready for the fight.

The map led me to a tree that was near the border and it end there. I lean to the tree for support. But a creak from the tree made me back off. I stared at the thing. A key hole. Remembering the key I have I pushed it in it. The skin of the tree rose upwards.

My mouth was hung open. Holy Moly Poly.. What the hell.


GUys you know what my results for the test which I was appearing is going to be released in three days.

I am scared as hell and preparing to underground to hide. (if you know what I mean)

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Love you....

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