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I'm honestly so happy that Wilbur wasn't weirded out by it. I'm honestly.. overjoyed. It feels like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders. Though, both of us agreed to get to know eachother more before actually making it official. You know, just in case. We don't like to rush things in immediately. Plus, that could lead to worse and shorter relationships.

But right now, all I'm thinking is, how the fuck did I receive mutual feelings from him? I'm nothing special. Unlike him, he's awesome. No, he's downright amazing. Even amazing is an understatement. He's amazing at writing songs, and he's just so nice. How did I seem to get a guy like him. But, I should just be a proud motherfucker for doing so.

These thoughts racked my brain all night. Wait, what's that around my waist? I look down and see an arm, I take a quick peek behind me and see Wilbur. Did we sleep together last night?! I started heating up all over again. I need to clean my brain or something, he's just a nice dude who somehow liked me back. Nothing dirty happened for christ's sake. Yet I still continued heating up. I started squirming, but shushed myself so I didn't wake the poor man up. I already did keep him up for most of night, best if I let him rest. I picked my phone up from the bedside table and checked my notifications

'Hm..nothing much..except a few messages. I wonder from who?' I thought in silence. I clicked the messages, it was from BFF/N.

BFF/N: <[Hey Y/N. I really don't know how you'll take this, but I don't think we can be friends anymore.]
BFF/N: <[It was cool and all but, you've gotten so sad, it's been weighing everyone down.]
BFF/N: <[You've just been ruining everyone's mood lately.]
BFF/N: <[Sorry again]
BFF/N: <[Bye]

My eyes widened as my heart sunk. We've been friends for 3 years now.. and they just.. left me..? Over my problems? I started tearing up, the messages replying in my head. They're right. Why am I such an emotional person? I do nothing but weigh everyone down. Now I'm weighing Wilbur down because I can't deal with my own emotions. God, what is wrong with me. I sigh and put my phone down, tears rolling off my cheeks. I'm literally 23, what is wrong with me? I felt Wilbur's arm loosen from my waist, and I took that opportunity to get out of bed. I trudged myself to the bathroom to take a shower... and let some emotions out. I mean, who doesn't cry in the bathroom? (They have a point-- also sorry that this one is a bit cliche but yknow-)

After taking quite a long shower, I dry myself and dressed up. I peeked in my room to see if Wilbur was awake, but nope, he was still sleeping soundly. I smile to myself. His bangs slightly covered his face, the blanket almost covering him completely, and his ears that slowly turned redder the deeper he got into his sleep made it a pleasingly adorable sight. I smiled once more before walking to the kitchen. I was starving. And then I remembered that my toaster practically exploded, so I guess I'm not making toast today. While thinking of what to eat instead, and rummaging through all my drawers, someone walked in.

"Good morning Y/N.." Wilbur yawned, trudging into the kitchen.

"Hello Wil! I'm just looking for something to eat for breakfast." I greeted back.

Wilbur hummed in response, followed by a yawn.

"You know, you can still sleep, you seem pretty tired."

"How are you not tired??" He cocked his head

"I'm used to it at this point." I smiled

He shrugged and sat on one of the island chairs, yawning over and over again.

"You really seem sleepy Wilbur." I said, leaning on the island.

"No I'm not." He protested, but yawned again.

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