pretty boy.

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summary: steve harrington loves being called pretty
takes place: sometime after season three
warnings: none!
song: pretty boy by the neighbourhood

- please read to the end of the chapter for my 300k celebration and thank you :,)

- please read to the end of the chapter for my 300k celebration and thank you :,)

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it was no secret that steve harrington was gorgeous. everyone knew it, including him. though he would often try to deny it, it seemed there was no one in hawkins who wasn't attracted to him.

meadow henderson loved her boyfriend, and thought it was hilarious how many girls would obsess over him. he always figured it made her jealous, but she continuously consisted that it didn't. "why," she would reason, "would i be jealous of other girls? you already are dating me, it isn't like you like any of them more."

now, the couple were not shy of making everyone aware of their relationship. if steve had learned anything from his past relationships, it was that he loved to show off what was his. he loved letting everyone know that his girlfriend was hotter and cooler than theirs.

once he started dating meadow, this only excelled. he was so proud of her, and he loved her so much. this is why he wanted every single person who walked by to know that he was the lucky guy. the guy who got to be with this gorgeous, funny, and badass girl.

in lame man's terms, he was a simp. and he was proud of it.

what steve loved most about pda was getting compliments on the relationship, or on meadow. when people would tell them that they were an adorable couple, his heart would soar. because, yeah, of course he already knew that. but it made him so happy that other people would see it, too!

now none of this was to say that they didn't have their private moments. steve was extremely vulnerable around meadow, in a way that he had never been with anyone else. he knew that there was no judgement between their relationship, and that he could be as open as he wanted.

steve loved to just lay his head on her stomach, one hand on her waist and the other on the bed. he loved the way his body melted into hers, and how comfortable and safe it was.

most of all, steve loved getting his hair played with. meadow, he often said, was the boss at playing with hair. she loved to just run her fingers through it, and he loved it, too. she often compared him to a little puppy dog, and she liked calling him "golden retriever boy" when he'd simply beg her to play with his hair.

"please? it feels so good when you do it." he'd pout.

"that's what she said." meadow would reply with a roll her eyes, an adoring smile on her face. "fine, golden retriever boy."

steve's hair was no doubt known throughout the lands, but it truly was his pride and joy. he wouldn't let anyone touch his hair unless they were meadow, which she found funny because he always wanted her to be playing with it.

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