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"why is it in russian?" steve complained, not wanting to bother with the translating process.

"what do you mean 'why is it in russian?', the person who recorded it was obviously russian." dustin replied, giving him an incredulous look.

steve held up his hands. "okay, okay. just play the tape."

the group had left robin at the counter, and were now seated in the back room to listen to the recording. "that sounded familiar." steve mumbled after the recording had finished, a banana in his mouth.

"what sounded familiar?" meadow asked, looking up at him.

"the music." steve replied, his mouth still full. "the music right there at the end."

dustin rolled his eyes. "why were you listening to the music, steve, you were supposed to be listening to the russian! we're translating russian!" he exclaimed.

"i'm trying to listen to the russian, but there's music." steve defended himself. an annoyed robin bursted through the doors.

"babysitting is over, you need to get in there." robin said, tired of working by herself. she looked over at her white board (previously full of stupid things steve did), that had the russian alphabet on it. "my board! that was important data, shitbirds."

meadow chuckled, but dustin shook his head. "i guarantee what we're doing is more important than your data."

"yeah?" robin replied. "and how do you know these russians are up to no good anyways?"

dustin looked to steve and meadow. "she knows about the russians?" he asked. "did you tell her about the russians?" he pointed to meadow as she held up her hands in defense. "did you tell her about the russians?" he then asked steve, who shook his head.

robin rolled her eyes. "hello, i can hear you. in fact, i can hear everything. you two boys are extremely loud. you think you have evil russians plotting against our country, on tape, and you're trying to translate it but you haven't found anything because you didn't realize russians use an entirely different alphabet than we do. sound about right?"

meadow leaned back in her chair. "pretty accurate if you ask me." robin smiled, leaning over to grab the tape. the two boys jumped over to take it away.

"i wanna hear it." robin said.

"why?" dustin and steve asked in unison.

"because maybe i can help." robin replied. "i'm fluent in four languages, you know."

meadow raised a brow, impressed. "russian?" she asked, arms crossed over her stomach.

"ou-yay are-yay umb-day." robin replied, watching as both boys got excited while meadow nearly doubled over in laughter, recognizing that the other girl was calling them dumb in pig latin. "that was pig latin, dingus." robin said to an excited steve and dustin, whose smiles immediately faded.

"idiot." steve said to dustin, as if he was the only one who believed it.

robin sat down next to meadow. "but, i speak spanish, and french, and italian, and i've been in band for twelve years."

"twelve?" meadow asked with a raised brow.

"so can you please go sling icecream and i'll translate. i don't even want the credit, i'm just bored." robin said, earning a chuckle from meadow. steve sighed, taking the icecream scooper from robin's hand.

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