Chapter 4

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Waking up Saturday morning rolling damn near off the couch , I felt so relaxed && safe. I slept wonderful I actually forgot I was on a sofa. Soon as I woke up I checked my phone, me and Tino was still on the phone and it was almost 12 in the evening. I hung up the phone and shot him a quick text.

me: thanks for nit hanging up, text me when you wake up!

    I checked all my unread text messages , next I clicked on my instagram app by it being a Saturday everyone was on about this time. Someone had just gave a shout out to this sexy ass girl named Ashley, I seen her around school a few times but didn't pay to much attention to her because she was always with her girlfriend. I clicked on her name and started following her since her page was private. Oh I forgot to tell yall that I'm bisexual,  I like girls more than boys actually.

    I quickly hopped up & went to go do my morning routine. I went to go check on my sisters , they were in the bed with my mom watching The Little Rascals.

" Good Morning babies "

" Good morning Bae Bos!! " Takia said she's been calling me that for the longest. " Hey Bae Wee" I said while leaning over and giving her a kiss. I went into the bathroom to take a shower and brush my teeth soon as I hoped out of the shower I smelled cinnamon toast and I knew that meant my granddaddy was in the kitchen throwing down. I lotioned up and got dressed to join everyone for breakfast

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