2 Liam Creed 2

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well then, glad you decided to show up *smirks in author

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well then, glad you decided to show up *smirks in author



its been 7 years since I last saw her

her powers or magic or whatever that was amazed me and no one, by no one I mean not even my zio has amazed me and that only happened once with her.

but then again not only have her powers amazed me but her strong personality

if she wants something she will get it one way or another and if someone is in her way she makes it her mission to destroy him/her.

I am playing with the same blue bracelet that I happened to find I a shop around my wrist

I have made it MY goal to be like her, meaning be that strong mentally and physically.

"boss" my friend said from outside my office door

"come in" I replied

my friend stepped in then closed the door behind him

"your father wants to see you, boss" he said

" Man drop the formalities, I am not my father because unlike him I don't make my friend call me boss" I smirked and he returned the smirk coming closer to do our secret handshake.

I stood up and brought my hand out to do the hand shake just like we always did since we were 12.

shake hands

clap once and then twist hand to the side

slide the hand

fist bump

I shape my hands into a gun and pretend to shoot him

he gasps then covers his heart with his hand

then dramatically falls to the ground

we both bursted out laughing after his drama scene

"that will never *laughs loud get old" my friend said

my friend Arman Adley also the son of the chief of police, I have known since 6th grade and let me tell you this the way we met was not very friendly.

he has purple eyes, brown curly hair, a muscled and fit body(he is a ladies man),  he has dimples, and he is asian. He knows a lot of the worlds language including :German, Urdu, French, Japanese, Italian, and Russian

He studied them one by one since he was 8 and he started by learning Italian and Russian and now he is currently learning Bengali.

"NOPE" I said while laughing

"ok ok that enough, you have to go to your dads office, boss" he said while wiping tears from the laughing.

I scoffed at his name for me and then started walking towards the door

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