5 Xena Cyprus 5

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I started taking out my soaps for my body, and I also took out my scrubber also for my body.

The bath room is absolutely amazing when you have so many things on your mind and all you want to do it forget.

it's a big pool of water, with steam in the air, a rose scented bath, and it heats up after 1 minute.

I started the heater in the bath and inhaled then exhaled slowly, I don't ever want this to be forgotten.

I walked back towards my room to get a basket to put all of my stuff in it.

The Bath Room is right next to my room and only I can use it.

There is certain Bath Rooms for certain ranks, like i'm royalty so I get my own Bath Room.

But lower ranks like village people get 2 separate, small, and warm tubs.

Warriors get 2 big, hot pools because of their skin and what they do for the kingdom.

It's not fair how we get relaxing hot pools and they get tubs, but hey, that's why when I become Queen of Thiandra i'll fix this and everything else too.

For example, instead of wasting the kingdoms money for our benefit, I will use that money to build a wall around our kingdom, with the help of other kingdoms of course.

Off topic, I wish Liam- nope. why the hell am I thinking about that arrogant asshole, all he does is leave me sexually frustrated and then smirks every fucking time right before he proves a point.

You know what I am done with his bullshit, This woman gets no pleasure from a man she only pleases and pleasures herself.

I rushed to put all my stuff in the basket then stepped into the bath room, I closed the door with a loud slam and went to the small table next to the big and hot pool to put down the basket.

I took off my robe and neatly folded it and put it on the table, I continued to walk gracefully to the pool with my back straight and my mind eager to feel the hot, steamy water on my body.

As I took my first step into the pool I felt heat explore everywhere and instantly felt relieved of all my problems and worries. I took a deep breath preceding deeper into the pool as I reached the bottom.

I found a bench against the wall of the pool and made my way there with a smile. Quiet, its quiet in here, its peaceful in here, and its calming in here.

I sat down on the beige bench beneath me and closed my eyes taking a deep sigh. My mind was only thinking about 2 things, sadly one of them was Liam but the other was pleasure.

As my hand trailed down my breasts, down my stomach, my breaths hitched and I halted my movement.

I started thinking of him

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