Sheer Cold

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The journey till the base of Dragonspine was long and perilous, but it failed to compare to what lied ahead. The adventurers guild's members warned the young Liyuese boy and the traveler, as no ordinary person could withstand what Dragonspine had to offer. But those warnings laid on deaf-ears, as Xingqiu was willing to go to much greater lengths.

A gigantic mountain stood before them, etched with pale snow all over. Dark heavy clouds cloaked the mountain from all sides, and a never-ending barrage of snowstorms raged throughout. Just the thought of entering the premises would scare off the strongest of hearts.

Yet the three continued forward on their sojourn, despite being aware of what laid before them.

"Paimon's starting to feel c-cold", paimon said as she started shivering due to the extreme cold.

"The lakes in Dragonspine are close to the mountain's base, we won't have to go too far up, just bare with me please", Xingqiu insisted.

The traveler and Paimon looked at each other for a second and shrugged, as they couldn't say no to Xingqiu. The boy was determined to find what he was looking for, and they certainly did not want to be a hindrance.

The trio navigated through the thick blanket of snow, moving forward, yet at a snail's pace.

"FIREEE", Paimon yelled with excitement as she saw a few torches erected from the side of the path.

"I guess we should rest here for a while, the fire should keep us warm", Xingqiu spoke.

As they sat around the torches, the traveler and Paimon couldn't help but wonder by Xingqiu was so determined to find this person.

"If you don't mind me asking, Paimon's been wondering, what's so special about this person that you're going to such lengths to find them?"

Xingqiu took out the paper talisman, and gazed at it, remaining silent for a few seconds. Finally he broke the silence, "It's hard to explain, this feeling that I've had ever since I saw that person. That chill in my spine when he passed by me, and this feeling of longing, and to meet him again. I've never felt this before, which is why I must see him again"

"Aether, isn't that just like you and your sister, how you've been traveling through Teyvat just to find her", Paimon added.

"Yea it is..... Which is why we'll help you find that person no matter what", the traveler replied.

Upon hearing the traveler's words, Xingqiu's face lit up, and he was more energetic and determined than before.

"Let's go and find this ice boy!", Xingqiu said enthusiastically.

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