Missing Things

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When I woke up that next day I found myself horrified, realizing it wasn’t some awful dream, I was surprised that I had been left untied so I could get out of the bed and wander around, though walking was a little difficult due to what happened last night. I felt myself shudder. Before my wandering would begin I would first try to find my clothes. I can't find them anywhere. There were two mini dressers made of dark oak. I opened one of the drawers which held an outfit that Tord had left for me and a note to go with it. “Good morning min solskin, I thought you would like something to wear, I picked the outfit out myself, and I’d love to see you in it~ Tord.” Ew, but I have nothing else to wear so I guess I don’t have a choice.
The outfit was a light blue sweater, it was nice and warm compared to the cold air and the concrete covered by carpet. I slipped it over my torso and immediately melted into its warmth. It felt nice. Next was a pair of lacy panties which were obviously made for men, I’m not putting those on. Finally a pair of grey shorts that were really short, like they barely covered the bottom of my ass, but it's better then nothing I suppose. Last there were these fuzzy grey thigh highs that I put on. I'll admit I like wearing stockings and thigh highs and I would actually wear them around the house under my sweatpants. I liked them, they were fuzzy and warmed up my cold legs. After getting dressed I wandered around this weird place, I found several doors to which none of them opened let alone moved.
Before I knew it, day turned to night, then back to day. Then it was night again. Time seemed to be moving so fast. I swear it must've only been a few days but it feels like I’ve been trapped down here for a month. I barely sleep, I spend all my time and energy trying to claw my way out or crawl out through the window. I miss my booze. I miss Edd and Matt.
Sure, the bed here is really comfy but I miss my bed and I miss Tommy bear. I wonder if Edd  is looking for me, I hope he is, I feel so scared and lonely. I went and found a hallway that led down to a weird kitchen. It was filled with dull and gray colors with razor sharp knives.
That gave me an idea. I decided to grab one and hid it in the pocket of one of the many pairs of shorts that was left behind for me.
As if my thoughts were heard, Tord walked down into this weird bunker area that he stored me away in, approaching me. “Hello min kattunge, did you finally get some sleep last night?” He calmly approached me, cupping my cheeks in his huge hands then placing a kiss on my forehead. My reaction was to stab him but before I could pull out the knife he had it in his hand and was putting it away. Well, fuck. “Nice try Tommy, but I will always be one step ahead of you, honey.” He smiled then forcefully pulled me into a kiss, when I tried to pull away his nipped my bottom lip harshly. “Ow! What the fuck!?” I yelped, pulling away, this time he let me do so. “Now, now, Thomas, I own you. So don’t pull away when I kiss you or I’ll punish you.” He growled at the last part, then forced me into another kiss. This time he had his hand around my throat but instinctively I tried to pull away again which seemed to frustrate him.
“You are such a brat, I tell you no and you do it anyway, Faen.”
So he grabbed my arm harshly and pulled me back into the bedroom and threw me down on the bed. He then lifted up my sweater and bit down on my back in several places, marking me. Each bite drew blood and bruised rapidly which really hurt. He kept going until finally I found myself apologizing to him. “Ow! Okay! Okay! I’m sorry! Stop please!!” I cried letting the tears that were welling up in my eyes fall down my cheeks. Thankfully he stopped, “Good boy~ wanna see?” He cooed, he then showed me a picture from his phone. I looked at my own back in horror, there weren't very many, probably because I don’t take pain well, but they were huge violent bite marks, all of them bleeding.
“Aren’t they pretty? Now if anyone finds you they will know who rightfully owns you~” He purred in my ear while cleaning off the blood on my back, gently kissing every mark. He flipped me over and just stared at me with this big, dumb, lovestruck smile and then he showered my face and neck in kisses, which felt a bit nice after all of that biting. Wait… What am I even thinking? No, he hurt me, he kidnapped me! God dammit Tom, use your brain, these kisses aren’t comforting, or nice, or relaxing, or soothing, or wanted really badly because you’ve been starved of physical affection… Okay, but they’re just kisses, and they’re kinda nice, maybe it's his way of apologizing? Apparently I was taking too long to think. “Tom? Thomas? Are you okay, kattunge?” Tord’s voice cut through my wandering thoughts.
I teared up and snuffled softly. “I miss my teddy bear...”

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