Why Me?

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Warning! There is r@pe in this chapter))
I managed to wake myself slightly up slightly, which was surprisingly hard because I still felt so tired and weak. On the plus side, it was like sleeping on a cloud. The mattress under me was so soft, and the pillows hugged my head and neck so well.

The mattress was so soft and snuggly, along with the feather-stuffed blanket. When I finally woke up, my room was so dark, almost pitch black. "Did someone put a blanket on my window?" I thought. "Or could it still be dark outside?" Hmm. Neither of those was correct...

Turns out I was wearing a thick, dark blindfold, I couldn't take it off because my wrists and ankles were tied together. I, being a sensible human being, panicked like a mother fucker. I screamed loudly for help, thrashing around, trying to cause as much trouble as possible until I heard some footsteps. My breath quickened.

"Relax, min engel, I will take very good care of you." a voice said, a voice I recognized immediately. My body froze, I managed to squeak out, "Where a-am I?" I started to shake and tremble. What is this? "L-look if this i-is a prank, it's not f-fucking funny, T-Tord!" I tried to growl but it came out as a weak mumble. I felt a tug at the back of my head and suddenly I could see, he held the piece of fabric and threw it somewhere in the room, it was still really dark in here.

"Aw… You are just so damn cute, my silly little Tommy~" I was in complete shock. I couldn't think, I couldn't breathe, I couldn't move."W-what?! I don't u-understand. Why a-are you doing this?" I could feel myself beginning to tear up. This is really bad. “What!? Are you playing stupid?” He growled deeply. “Don’t you know how much I have been wanting you?~ I came back for you, and for you alone." He clasped his hands together and smiled as if he were lovestruck.

"I have been in love with you for a very long time, Thomas. But if you do not feel the same, that is okay, I will teach you how, min solkskin~" he gently held my chin in his hand, gently rubbing my bottom lip and smiled sweetly at me. I felt my face heat up, it took a moment before I shook it off. "T-Tord... What the- but... Why me?" I tried my best not to let fear control my voice but I had failed miserably.

He let out a small chuckle then he pecked my cheek softly. That's fucking it. "GAH! THIS SICK JOKE HAS GONE ON LONG ENOUGH! LET ME GO RIGHT NOW YOU COMMUNIST BASTARD!" I was met with the harshest slap coming crashing onto my bare ass. Did I mention I was naked?

I let out a scream, followed by tears as I tried to regain my breath. I mean, I know he could hit hard, but god damn that hurt. "Do not ever talk to me like that!" He hissed violently. He was gripping my chin and forcing me to make eye contact. "O-ow..." my voice is incredibly squeaky, weak even. For the love of Jehovah, my ass hurt, so what the fuck Tord? There was a bit of silence, Tord’s hand not leaving where he slapped me.

"I heard you are still... Pure, Thomas" he said gently, softly rubbing the very red mark that he left on my ass. Ah, great. He knew I was a virgin. Fucking perfect.
"Such a beautiful body, Thomas… A nice plump ass, soft, squishy thighs, they are so feminine too. You are so curvy. So... Perfect." He started drooling. He grinned at me and licked his lips, just his gaze itself was violating my naked body. Ew.

I felt his hands holding my hips down as he crawled over me. Wait, no, he’s going to violate me. He retied my wrists to the bedpost above my head, then spread my ankles apart.

"N-n-no!!! D-Don’t! Please!" I begged as tears already began to run down my cheeks and the feeling of panic took over my body. He paused for a second as I started crying. I thrashed against the ropes that tied me down, it was pointless. I don't want this... Please don’t let this happen to me. I heard him let out a soft sigh as he let go.

"Who are you to tell me what to do?" I was so fucking scared, I don't know what to do, he looked me deep in the eyes before he cupped both of my cheeks, and then he gently placed his lips on mine. "So soft... I can't wait to kiss you more." Tord smiled at me warmly.

"P-please… please d-don't do this… Tord, I'm begging you-" This fucking asshole shoved a gag ball in my mouth.
He started to strip off his clothing, there's no way out of this… Tord reached over to the dresser that was next to the bed, there in the first drawer was a small bottle of lubricant. He crawled back over me, lifting my legs slightly as he lubed and lined himself up with me.

No prep, no warning, no adjusting, no starting slow. He railed into me and at an unholy pace. The pain from the stretch made me let out a muffled scream. “Mm~ Thomas, you’re so tight~” He growled in my ear and he left nasty hickies on my neck and shoulders.

His thrusts were uneven, he was constantly shifting around that is until he hit something in me that sent some weird type of pleasured shock through my body, making me let out a startled moan.

“Aww~Thomas~ did I find the right spot?” he cooed so sickly, I hated that it started to feel good. This isn’t right, this is gross, I feel so sick and used. His pounding sent a shockwave through my body, forcing me to cum… Then the overstimulation sets in, this is too much. I started to shake, and suddenly he stopped, a warmth flooding my insides. He came inside me. Gross.

He took off the gag and cupped my cheeks again. He once again pulled me into another forced kiss.
“Good night, my love.~”

"W-wait wha..." was all I could muster before I passed out once more… The fucker sedated me. I don't know why the hell he wants me, but if I get out of here I'm going to kill him..
((RIP that Thomas aaaaayeeee
~Dimitri Thorwell))

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