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I was running, running as fast as I could away from something. I couldn't see, but I could hear it, feel its breath against my neck. What is it? Where am I? Why am I running? Is it evil, or is it good? It grabbed my ankles, and I screamed, "AH! What the hell? Who-” I let out a startled gasp as Tord pulled me in a gentle hug. Stupid fucking nightmares. “Get off me commie, I’m not in the mood to deal with you.” Bad choice of words.

“Excuse me?” He wrapped his arms around my chest and squeezed hard. I heard a small pop and a painful shock came right after. I squealed and tried to wiggle my way out of his grasp but that only made it worse, getting another painful shock and hearing another pop, that one made me scream, “Ow! Ow! Stop! I-I’m sorry! Please!” I heard him mumble ‘Shit’ under his breath as he pulled away and inspected me “Okay, sweetheart… Hold still, I have to relocate them,”

“Relocate wha-” was all I could say before letting out a loud shriek followed by harsh crying as he popped both of the ribs he dislocated back into place. "Fuck!!!! That hurts so fucking bad" I yelped. “I know, I’m sorry honey, I’m sorry…” He rubbed my back softly, running his fingers through my hair.

"O-ow…" I sniffled pathetically as he pulled me into his lap. "Are you thirsty? I can go get you something to drink…" He offered sweetly, but I declined. I just rested my head on his shoulder, trying to calm down, I could hear him laugh softly as his fingers carded through my soft hair. "Awww, see? It's nice when you behave." He cooed at me. Behave? I just basically said, "Leave me alone," and he dislocated my ribs. Fucking douche dick...

I heard very angry rattling, like a metal cages being jostled vigorously. "Flutter… bunny." I mumbled with my arms firmly wrapped around my chest, trying to conceal the pain from my ribs.Tord nodded and placed me on the bed and let Flutter out, she immediately attacked him. She bit his finger so bad that it bled. Then hopped over to me to check me.

I scooped her up fast so he couldn't hurt her. But weirdly he just acted like it never happened. "I was considering getting a gaurd dog, but she'll do just fine." He sat next to me and rubbed my back.

Tord babied me for the rest of the day, holding me, kissing me, giving me little treats. I think he might feel bad. Good, that fucking asshole! Its been rather quiet… I found that I couldn't stop thinking about Edd and Matt. I tried to think about what they might be saying, what they’re thinking, I bet they’re still looking for me…

"Hey... Do Edd and Matt know where I am? Also... When can I see them again?" I looked at him sadly. He returned the same expression.

"No... They do not, and soon enough sweetheart. I need to keep you here for a while. So do not worry. A... 'friend' gave me a special medicine that I need give to you." Tord pulled me closer and kissed my cheek, then he looked at me with a sad smile.

"Okay… But why do I need it?" I asked bluntly, what kind of ‘medicine’ do i need? Why do I need it? It seems pretty suspicious.

"Your liver is going bad, it's failing," he said softly, rubbing my back as he rested his chin on my shoulder. "Oh..." At first, I didn't trust him but considering my drinking that's probably true…I have been feeling bad more and more often… "I'm sorry, Tom" I knew Tord was really smart, he has always had weird medical degrees so I mean I guess it could be true. But something felt off, whatever. "Whelp... I guess my drinking finally caught up to me, right? Haha." I giggled nudging him with my elbow, trying to lighten the mood, as the atmosphere was heavy.

Tord wasn’t amused but he kissed my cheek softly and then responded gently. "Not funny, Tom" I felt my cheeks heat up from embarrassment,  i lioked away and huffed. He smiled sadly and then pulled me close. It felt so warm. It felt so nice and soft. I’m so starved for physical affection.

You know, I kinda like it when he holds me and gives me kisses. As fucked up as that sounds it's true. I hate that im so love starved that it has come to this.. i genuinely enjoy receiving affection from my captor...

What the fuck is wrong with me?

((Guess whos back? Back again,  Mitri's back! Tell a friend!

Eyyyyyyy! Sorry for being dead for a bit! Life's been busy! All of us here at DT are now 20, in college,  and working! But hey, here we are!! See yall in the next chapter ;)

~Dimitri Thorwell))

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