5 seconds

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They exchanged perplexed looks, as a ray of the crying sun reached into the room, as it was setting. The sun was almost warm and welcoming yet on the other hand was Ymir with cold sweat dripping down her face. She looked as pale as the clouds, that covered the once blue and colourful sky, making you feel as the whole world was black and white. Kenma immediately went onto his laptop tapping hastily, as the rest of them kept staring.

"How though? You need permission for it and stuff." Kuroo questioned.

"I'm sure they do it illegally.. somewhere right?" Historia worried.

"Aaaaand, you guys are right, look." Kenma turned his laptop around, showing all of you 22 addresses in white text, on a black screen.

"How'd you find them?" Ymir asked, surprised he found so many in such a short amount of time.

"Don't underestimate me, I'd suspected it before and got this list ready.. but I didn't think much of it.." Kenma nervously vocalised.

"Kenma!" You wrapped an arm around him, grinning, "we know you're an introvert but share your opinions next time!" You booped his nose, which caused a light blush to float on his pure face, in which you giggled.

"Okay, sorry about that." He smiled, appreciating yet another smiling face. To him, it felt familiar, that laugh, that attitude. The same thought crossed his mind, you're just like Y/N Yumeko..

"So.. when are we gonna go, and where first?" Historia jumped in.

"We only have a couple of weeks left until our holidays, so 2 weeks? But I mean we can stop by a few which are closest to us, until then." Ymir suggested.

"Sounds good to me." Kenma nodded, as Kuroo smiled in approval, "How about we go down the list? First is somewhere in Chiba, Second in Saitama."

"That's good, we'll go there this weekend, and next weekend." Ymir happily chirped.

"Then we're all set!" You put your thumbs up, as your smile turned into a grin, "oh, Kenma, uhh, can I read that list?"

"Of course, why not?" He replied. Your eyes scanned the list, hoping it wouldn't be there. A few seconds passed, with Kenma closely observing your every move, as your eyes locked on it, there it was, 6th on the list.

"Huh. Kyoto." A cold fear got injected into your lips.

"Yeah.. why?" Kenma looked, befuddled.

"Oh it's just, that's the city I ran away from.. but it's fine. I still want to go there!"

"Alright, if you're absolutely sure." Kenma clarified, in which you gave an assuring smile, "hey.. ummm.."


"Do you want to come over to mine?" He lifted his hand to slightly cover his face.

"Sure!" Seeing Kenma all flustered was funny in a way for you, "I'll just tell Kuroo."

"Okay." He replied. Historia and Ymir chatting on the other side of the room.

"Hey Kuroo?" You asked Kuroo who was in his own fantasy land, "Hey, KURROOOO?!"

"Wha- oh what is it?" He questioned, half here, half in his own daydream.

"CAN I GO TO KENMAAAA'S?!" You screamed, causing everyone to jump a little.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Don't do it... Kuroo x reader (READ DESC FOR WARNING)Where stories live. Discover now