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Your POV

This is it. My great escape. I may have people fear me, or bully me. But that doesn't matter. I'm
going to be out of this hell. I'm going to be free. Free from the abuse. The pain. The trauma. I'm
going to finally be normal, or normalish anyways.

The next thing I see is a rusty, bottled piss yellow bus. Damn, it looks like a rat's carcass. I grab
my things and get on the bus. The bus driver, who looked like he was in his late 60's early 70's, had
an awesome hook-hand! How does he drive with it? (Y/n), stop getting sidetracked. Anyways, the
bus looked greasy as fuck, but I've touched worse, so I decided to use the power of sucking it up!
"This is probably going to be fine," I said. "There's no need to be emotional." I said, sitting down.

I then proceeded to ball my eyes out, y'know, because of the trauma I've been through.
I contemplate my life, question my will to live, and not hearing someone jumping to the seat behind me during my ramble of anger and suicidal thoughts Eventually, I heard scribbling from behind me, and I see some theatre kid in midevil(?) clothing. "If you're gonna make a fanfic character outta this, make 'em have major daddy issues, please." I pause. "Damn, that sounds like cringe." Me and some mystery person says.

I look beside me, and in the isle is some raven haired kid with a blue hoodie. I blink twice and rub my
eyes to make sure he wasn't a ghost and to make sure I wasn't hallucinating. "A hoodie? In the middle of
summer?" "What about it?" He commented. I clasp my hands together, "It's fucking weird." "Says the one who looks like a cultist." He snaps back. "Dude, I just escaped a cult! Sort of temporarily." "...Touché... But still, your wearing it." I look into his soul. "That's why I'm going to get to the nearest store as soon as possible! I'll going to a fucking Wal-Mart if I have to." He blinks at me in confusion, "What did
Wal-Mart do to you?" "I heard it's a poor people place from my internet mom friend. And that Targé is
better." "Y'okay then!" Then he slowly walks away into a random seat. The fuck did I do?

Max's POV

Did I just make friends with a cultist? Or did I just meet a normal person? What the fuck is going on. Are they going to
kill me, or do they not give a shit about that type of stuff at all? Should I be scared of them, or
concerned FOR them? I need to think about this.

Your POV

Is someone finally treating me normal, or is they trying to get on my good side just to break me?

~Time skip~

I hear a loud, girly scream when the bus stops. L. Then I smell straight up roses and bubble gum.
Well shit. Right when the doors of the bus swing open, I practically die from the smell. "You okay?" I
hear a familiar voice asking. It's the blue hoodie guy! "The aura is killing meeeee. I feel like I'm being
strangled by it." "Don't know what the fuck that's supposed to mean, but okay." I just sit there for a few seconds. "...I'm ready!"

As we walk off the bus, I earn a headache from just being around what seems to be an overly cheery man...
that looks like [name isn't registered] but less... culty. It's either a cheery gay, or a pedo. Or cheery bi,
you never know! He then runs over to us. "Oh there you are! You two must be Max and (Y/n). I'm David,
I'll your camp councillor!" "Oh God." Max and I groan. "Come on kids, let's start our tour!" "This is gonna
be a long day."

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