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                Your POV

    As we walked past the entrance frame??? Gate??? The whatever-the-fuck-you-call-it??? I try to chill a little, so I don't absolutely lose my shit on everyone out of stress. But a minute later, all hope to not stress kill is almost lost, because next thing I know, I hear the bubbly, possibly Smarties addict, idiot shout!

"The first stop on any good tour is the flag pole! I can't help but give it the official Camp Campbell salute when I see it!" Max then sarcastically states, "Wow, I love it!" I follow up with, "Definitely doesn't look like rat's intestines mixed with the blood of god reincarnated into a shitty off-brand, racist cultist version of already off-brand Keanu Reeves!" "Hey... Language (Y/n), but I'm glad you two love it."David says while Max looks at me funny. I turn my attention towards Max. "I come from a variety of sides of the internet, and as I previously mentioned, a cult. Were you expecting me to make references to hentais?" "Now that you mention it, that does seem like something you would do."

I honestly didn't give a shit about what David was saying at this point so I decided to just look and space out, then snap out of it right before we had to move to the next area of camp. When the tour ended, I stop spacing out and hear David say, "Alrighty then, campers! Go unpack and then go to the activity field and do your activities!" And then I fall back and huff. "Thank fuck." I then sit up, and realize something. Where is my tent and who is my tent buddy? God dammit! I sigh and walk up to David. "David, which tent is mine and who am I sharing it with?" "Oh, right! I forgot. You're in tent 7 with Max." So fucking cliché. I make friends with someone I'm supposed to share a tent with! What's next? We end up together at the end of summer to be separated? Not that I'm opposed to dating him or anything, but I really hate clichés sometimes.

After unpacking, I take my throwing knives and my guns out into the woods. I don't know why they told me to pack them, but I decided to do it just in case I got bored. I found a field perfect for target practice. Once it was set up, I start to relax and loosen up. I hear a twig snap, so I quickly grab my Glock 17, turn around, and aim in the direction where the twig snapped. "Hi to you too." Max says, his hands up. I lower the gun and tilt my head, "Why the fuck are you here?" "I was curious why you had brought cases of what I now know are just guns and knives to the woods! And I was also asked by David to follow you here, to make sure you weren't getting in TrOuBlE."

                 Max POV

    I sound like a stalker, don't I? I think that would really could mess... Would it even be considered friendship? I mean, I kind of insulted them, but to be fair, they weren't being a pussy about it. I don't know what else I could do to completely fuck everything up, but I, for some godforsaken reason, want to do whatever it takes to not! I like talking to them, even though they are weird and have been a part of a cult and probably believe in a  half-assed complex belief system that they made themself. 

      I snapped out of my thoughts to hear (Y/n) say, "So, what have you been doing lately?" "Uhhh...Well I've been trying to avoid David as much as possible." "Y'know, I was about to say something, but then that would jinx it." Oh. David. "Okayyy, well, glad you didn't! 'Cause I don't really want to deal with that manchild. How can he be so happy?" "Anti-depressants, drugs, candy, acting, or he was lucky and was born a physically and mentally healthy household. Or he was put in some sort of cult that engrained happiness into his brain to make him, or them seem so la-dee-da and dandy!" "I think that last one was just a little tingle in your head telling you it's normal to be in a cult." "Yeah... But I'm the one 99.99% in control! They can't convert me back with that sauna anymore, because I get high from the gases in there... I tell too much, even though I have talked to people normally and never told any of this to anyone." "First question: who are 'they'? Second question: sauna?" 

                 Your POV

    I look at this skinny fucker dead in the eyes and say, "Oh you'll know when you've seen him. He's the only one who usually goes out." Max just stares. "He?" "I ain't naming names, but he looks like David. When I mention his name, I either have a mental breakdown, or I burn something or someone." "I'm very concerned how this cult has affected your mental health." "I mean shouldn't anyone?" I shrugged. "And for the sauna, they call it a 'purification sauna'.  It's obvious why." He then anxiously says this avoiding the topic, "So... Uhhh, are we gonna make you look like a decent human being rather than a cultist?" "Yeah, let's go. Also, do we ask Gwen, orrr?" "Sounds better than shopping with David!" And then before we leave, I cast a strong, but easy to make forcefield so nobody steals my weapons.

(911 WORDS)

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