Chapter 2

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(L/N) = last name

"Hi!! I'm Mabel!!" Both your hands clasped tightly in hers, you were sure you were about to lose your arms with how hard Dipper's twin was shaking you, using the full length of her arms in the handshake. "I'm so happy to finally meet you!!"

"Cha- charmed." Like an overactive Pomeranian, your brain bounced and tumbled all around your head, definitely shaking out a few screws with each impact. If Mabel kept this up much longer, you wouldn't have any brain left at all.

"You're so cute in person!!" You had a fleeting thought to thank her--or, like, blush or something--but she threw her hand to her mouth before you had the chance, finally stopping the shaking, though her other hand stayed wrapped around yours. "Oh! But don't tell Pacifica I said that!"

Your mouth twitched slightly as you tried to keep a smile on your face and avoid the newly created soup of a brain from dripping out of your ears.

Within seconds of you entering the diner, Mabel had popped up in front of you, so fast it was as if she'd erupted straight out of the ground, and had scooped up your hands and immediately started shaking you in greeting.

The welcome was warm- but warm less like a newly started fire in the fireplace and hot cocoa on the table, and more like a forest fire being barely contained from spreading to your roof and burning down your house.

A little overwhelming, to put it simply.

"I'm right here, y'know." You passed your gaze over the ball of sunshine to the kid standing behind her. A girl almost as tall as Sienna stood behind Mabel, her long blonde hair pulled up in a ponytail, wearing an obvious uniform with a name tag reading "Pacifica" clipped to it, a plate of food in either hand. Her expression went from playful annoyance to a polite smile as she handed the food off to a pair of patrons sitting near the door with a pleasant "Enjoy your meal!" back to playful annoyance when she turned back to face your little group. She cocked her hip and jabbed a finger at Mabel, "Don't go flirting with the next cute person you see right after agreeing to date me."

Mabel finally released your hands to slide up next to her, Mabel clasping her hands together and cuddling up against Pacifica, rubbing their shoulders together. Pacifica folded her arms in response.

"Aww, are you jealous~? You know you're still my favorite cutie pie in the whole world!" She whipped a sticker from where you could only guess was the fourth dimension, sticking it onto Pacifica's nose with a "Boop!" A sticker the shape of a piece of pie smiling with the words "Cutie-Pie!" scribbled across it hung off Pacifica's nose before she pulled it off to look at it.

Very fitting.

Pacifica scrunched her face up at Mabel, blinking as she turned and passed right over you to look at Sienna. Her face brightened brighter than it already was. "Sienna!" She pulled Sienna into a quick hug, "I didn't know you'd made it, did you guys just get here?"

"It's great to see you too, kid," Sienna said as she pulled away as if she were some wise old man greeting his young pupil after they'd been parted for years. "We actually got here a couple days ago, but I wasn't able to escape 'til now." Holding Pacifica at arm's length, she looked between Pacifica and Mabel. "I see you're doing well," she flashed a huge grin, reaching up and squishing Pacifica's cheeks--now like an aunt seeing their niece for the first time since the last reunion two years ago and saying 'how big she'd gotten'. "Are you finally able to kiss Mabel's 'stupid, adorable face' like you always whine about wanting to do?" Sienna made a kissy face, kissing noises accompanying it.

Like a candle catching light, Pacifica's face blazed red as her mouth opened.

"Sienna!" Pacifica snapped, pushing Sienna's hands down and away from her face.

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