Chapter 6

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(M/N): Mom's name

(D/N): Dad's name


The grass tickled as you sat cross legged in the field, the blades so long it brushed against your elbows, leaving trails of rolling dew drops down your arms. The landscape felt... off, the water suggesting rain, but it lacked the telltale smell that followed every rain shower.

You squished a blade of grass between your fingers, pulling it from the ground with little resistance, holding it up to look at it, twisting and spinning it between your forefinger and thumb. The grass surrounding you leaned in close before following the motion, water sprinkling around as waves of grass twisted and turned like dancing fairies. You spun the blade faster, watching the field around you copy the motion, spinning so fast it wouldn't have surprised you if they spun off into the sky like little helicopters. You snorted before you placed the blade back with the others and it dug itself back into the dirt before joining the rest in their shimmy.

A small bug interrupted the sea of green, jumping up to bump its head against your nose before happily hopping away and you watched it till it disappeared.

You were back.

Why were you back?

The grass finished its grooving, a few stopping first, before more followed and soon the whole field was still again. You sat in the stillness before the grass moved again, wrapping and unwrapping around any part of you it could reach- a million little hugs all at once and all you could think to do was pat the grass with your hand like it was a sea of kittens.

"Um, good to see you too?"

"(R/C)!" The yellow of the two was back as well, a human before you'd even looked over, already walking towards you.

Some part of you panicked when he crushed the grass beneath his boots, but when he took another step, the grass he squashed popped right back up and waved, moving around like they were trying to say, "I'm alright! Don't worry!"

Honestly it surprised you that you didn't actually hear a bunch of small voices calling out. Talking grass a little too far for this weird dream reality?

"You're back!" He dropped to his knees beside you, his arms already raised and reaching for you, but you leaned away from the touch, holding your hands up in front of you. He caught the hint, leaning back and pulling his hands to his chest.



You held in a sigh of relief- you chose the right name. The last thing you wanted to see was that sad puppy-dog look on his face again. He smiled, looking at you expectantly, an equally as puppy-dog-like look on his face, but of the excited my-human-just-came-home-from-a-long-day-at-work variety. You couldn't help but smile back at such a look.

"Ah, it's, uh, good to see you again." His face brightened further and he once again went in for a hug. You hopped back, falling back onto one hand, the other flying up in front of you, the long grass forming together like a glove to catch you. He caught your look and pulled his arms back to him, leaning away, his eyebrows drawing together and his smile falling.

You breathed in a deep breath, letting your hand lower, "Before we..." you contemplated your words, "...move forward with anything, I need to, uh," you swallowed, "I need to lay some ground rules."

You could tell he didn't quite get where you were going, but he slowly nodded, his hands coming to rest on his lap. "Oh, uh, okay."

"Thank you." You pulled in another deep breath, grasping and then rolling a blade of grass between your fingers, "I don't want you to touch me without asking." You tried to sound clear, confident, and assertive, but when his face remained blank, you started to worry you failed.

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