Chapter 12

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Time was an amorphous unreachable thing, stuck with your consciousness rolling and bobbing like it was caught on a raft drifting down a river while you were confined to the shore. You had no idea how many times you called for it or how long you reached for it, but no matter how you strained and shouted, it eluded your grasp and short of jumping in and risking getting swept away with it, you worried there was no way you'd ever get it back.

Then, like a tsunami sweeping through the water and catching the raft on its way, your mind came crashing back into your head and then you were awake, blinking up at an unfamiliar ceiling.

Your brain had to settle and meet you back where it belonged before you could form any coherent thoughts. The closer to place your brain returned, the more you noticed.

Something soft was draped over you. Something soft was tucked under your head. The room was dark. You couldn't recall where you were.

All at once, a splitting headache tore through your head and your skin started to prickle and burn, like being slapped with a million rulers by a million invisible attackers. You let out a groan and before you'd even reached the end of the sound, someone was at your side.

Will leaned over you before he drew back, covering his mouth as his face scrunched up, tears crowding in his eye.

He muttered behind his hand, barely audible, "You're okay..."

You must be dreaming. But that thought washed away just as quickly as it appeared. You wouldn't be able to feel such pain if you were asleep, so this had to be real life, but if this was real then... then Will shouldn't be here. Will should be safely away- safely far far away from here.

But if he was here then...

You shot up, but your whole everything reacted negatively, pain splitting through you like a taser. You couldn't hold yourself up and only Will lunging forward to catch you kept you from slamming back onto the ground.

He carefully held you up, "You have to be careful, you've been out for a while."

You barely registered his words, only able to stare back at him.

"Why-" You cut yourself off with a violent cough, your throat burning with the effort. You grasped for your bag and Will hurried to grab and open it for you, holding it out at an easier distance to reach. You pulled a bottle of water out and tried to open it, but you couldn't get a solid grip on the lid. It took a few failed attempts before Will took it from your clumsy hands and opened it himself, holding you steady as he helped you take sips. Once you could swallow without the urge to cough your lungs out, you spoke again.

"Why are you here...?" You reached out and grasped his arm. You could feel him clearly, he was there, no doubt about it. "You- You're supposed to be through the portal. I watched you go, I waited the full ten minutes, I set the bomb off to keep Dipper and Mabel away, I-" Your stomach sunk, "I- Am I dead? Are we dead? Did they make it through? I-Is everyone dead?! Did-!"

He gently cut you off, shaking his head, "No, no, everyone's okay, no one's dead." He brushed your hair back, "But you should get some more rest."

You started to shake your head, not even fully intentionally. "Then... Then why aren't you through the portal...?"

He curled in on himself, giving you a guilty look. "...I stayed behind to make sure you made it..."

"Why would you do that?!" Your voice raised on it's own, but along with it brought the feeling that your head might crack open so you were forced to calm down lest your head actually split in half.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02 ⏰

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