Day 4-Snuggle Bug

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AN: so I've noticed in my tired state of writing I've flipped-flopped the "mama" and "mommy" titles for the family. So I'll just establish them again. Some of you might have not noticed but I did. Mainly because I've labeled the next 17 chapters already.'s the next update.
Arianna POV

I woke up to a cold bed, I blink a few times waking up seeing a note on Zo's pillow. "Honey I'll be in my bay cave-Zo" she's ridiculous, bat cave? I swing my feet off the side of the bed standing up. I grab my fluffy black robe tying it around myself as I walk to Lilly's room.

"Lilly? Are you're not in here. Did Zo? She needs to be more detailed with her notes." I roll my eyes as I turn walking out of the room returning to the master bedroom to get ready for the day. I look at the many options I have, we should donate clothes again. Grabbing a white t-shirt and a blue sweater I put them on a grabbed a pair of jeans. We weren't planning anything big today so something simple was best. I walk down to the basement making sure to turn the lights on as I go down. I open the door to the so-called "bat cave" and see the most adorable scene I've laid eyes on. Zo was laying on her bed shirt off, her bra was still on but she had Lilly on her chest. Lilly's mouth was slightly open as the two were snoring. Zo had wrapped a blanket around her and Lilly to keep warm in the room. I walk over and try to take Lilly to change who grumbled and whined in her sleep. Zo held Lilly closer and hissed a little at me so I flicked her in the nose.

"Don't you hiss at me Zozana, you can wake up and change that dirty diaper of hers?" I kiss her nose and she smiles at me and brings her free hand and brings me in to deepen the kiss.

"Sorry wasn't expecting someone to try to take my snuggle bug away from me" I pull away and rested my forehead on hers. It's simple moments like this that love so much. I give my wife another kiss.

"I'm glad you have a snuggle bug for thunderstorms dear. I'm going to go make us some breakfast, I'll get you some blood as well. I can see you're a little...on edge. You're more Dracula than my sparkly vampire." I quickly move as she sits up to hiss at me, I laugh running away. It's our little song and dance, I use a vampire reference she uses a witch one and we both get under each other's skin.

I hear her getting up and talking to Lilly so I poke my head back in watching them.

"Come on Lilly bug it's time to wake up." I watch her bounce around the room gently waking Lilly who looked at her with narrowed eyes curly red hair going in all directions. "Maybe we should go take a shower Hmm? Get that hair under control, maybe if your mommy stops spying on us she can make a potion to deal with these curls of yours. For someone so small you have a lot of hair." Zo looks at me sticking her tongue out.

"Take a picture it lasts longer." I took my phone out taking a picture. I laughed looking at it seeing Lilly floating.

"Okay serious one this time. Make yourself visible and stop being moody" Zo laughs and I see her appear on my phone's screen.

"Sorry honey, I'll take her to shower and get dressed because I can't put her down" she moved her hands away and Lilly was clinging to her still.

"That's okay I'll get breakfast going. Should I check your emails to see if you're needed at work? I'm sure your mother has found some way to get you into the office so she can see Lilly again." We start to walk upstairs again and Zo feels around for her phone.

"Yes please, I do need to do some office work but I don't know if that's going to happen since I have a kola on me today." She kisses Lilly's head-hugging her. "And I wouldn't change a thing"

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