Hey Grandma Soup

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Lilly POV
I woke up between mama and mommy, well I was on top of mama. She felt very nice, her cool skin made me feel not as sick. I hate being sick, but at least this time I had two people to take care of me. Didn't matter if one was a witch and the other was a vampire. Still weird to think that supernatural people are real. I look at the two sleeping and crawl over mama and get out of bed. I sway on my feet a little and walk out of the bedroom to go to my room. Walking with a diaper is weird. I got to my closet and grab a red shirt putting it on. I hear some noises downstairs, being curious I climb down the stairs and into the kitchen seeing mamas mom. She turns to me and has a huge smile on her face.

"There's she is! Come here sweet girl. I heard you're not feeling too good." She picks me up and brings me back upstairs. "It feels like you still have a bit of a temperature. Let's get you back upstairs and in bed. Grandma has gifts for you, I'm also making you some of grandmas special soup." I rest my head on her shoulder, I start to cough and groan as we walk up the stairs.

I start to get the familiar feeling in my stomach and feel grandma pivot to the bathroom and place me down by the toilet as I throw up again. She rubs my back and I start to crying hating the feeling of throwing up.

"Shhh it's okay grandma will make it all better." She turns to the door where mommy had appeared after running over.

"Sonja? I forgot Zo called you to come over here let me take over and you can go get the many gifts I know you brought with you" mommy laughs as grandma hands me a cup of water to rinse my mouth out.

"Oh nonsense, there's going to be plenty of time for me to give her the gifts. Wait you're right I have the perfect gift for her. Grandma will be right back Lilly." She kissed the side of my head and I gave a weak smile. I raise my arms up for mommy to carry me to bed again.

"Mommy my diaper" she laid me down on a changing table and put me in a fresh diaper. I looked behind her and pointed to grandma coming over with a small bag.

"I got you some comfy pajamas when your mama was little she loved footie pajamas when she was sick" I took the bag and pulled out a pair of penguin onesie and immediately handed it to mommy for her to put on me.

"On pwease...." then it hit me where's Pablo... "Pablo..." my lip started to quiver thinking I've lost my friend. Grandma walks over to my crib and grabs Pablo bringing him over to me. I grab him and hold him close as mommy puts me in my new onesie.

"Is that better my little bat" she bops my nose and takes me from mommy.

"Arianna go rest I'll handle her for a little bit. You have been up all night. Let me take care of her for a bit." Mommy seems hesitant but I rested my head on grandmas shoulder again letting her know I was going to be fine. She still seems hesitant.

"Okay but if you need us please wake us up. Remember she's only been here not even a week so just take it easy please" she waves mommy off as she takes me to the guest bedroom and lays me down. She tucks Pablo under my arm and pulls a fuzzy blanket over me.

"How about I go get you some more of my gifts? I got you a whole bunch for you." She ran her hand through my hair. It felt nice and comforting. I put my thumb in my mouth and grandma gently moved it out putting a pacifier in its place.

"Let's not suck on our fingers dear it's very yucky." She adjusted me so I was sitting up a bit. "Here we go sweetie I'll be right back just call out and I'll be back faster than you can finish your sentence." She zoomed out of the room back downstairs. I closed my eyes and put my hands on my stomach feeling nauseous again. I felt it rumble from hunger and I whined.

"Grandma? I'm hungry" I heard her come back up and had a bowl in her hand

"I had a feeling after I saw you lose your stomach." She sat next to me holding the bowl of what looks like some really good soup. "Here grandma will feed you" she spoons a small amount into my mouth and I feel a warmth go through my body. I clap my hands and opened my mouth for some more which she happily fed me. After a while I was full and I started to feel sleepy from the soup.

"I know you're sleepy but we need to take some medicine before bed. She reached over grabbing a small potion bottle and holding it up for me. I shook my head covering my mouth.

"Please? I bet Pablo would take the medicine do you want him to take some first to show you it isn't yucky?" I nod and look at Pablo.

"He said he'll try a little for me." She stood up a placed the bottle back down.

"Well I need to go get a dropper for him so he can properly have some." She walked into the bathroom and came back with a little dropper she put it into the vial then gave some to Pablo.

"See Pablo doesn't it taste like strawberries and cream?" I look at Pablo to see his reaction.

"Was it okay? Well if you say so... okay grandma then I'll have take mine" she hands me the small potion vial and a drank it. It actually did taste like strawberries and cream.

"There we go, now go to sleep grandma will make you some more soup and we can have some nice quiet time and watch some movies. Your mommies are very tired so let's let them sleep too." She smooths my hair down and kisses my head. I hear her making some shushing noises as she adjusts me to lie down as my eyes close. I snuggle with Pablo as I relax into the nice warm bedsheets. I feel her tuck me in and place some pillows around me.

"Have a good sleep my little bat" she kisses me one more time on the cheek as I feel her leave my side and shut the lights off. If this is her taking it easy I can wait for when she goes all in.

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