Connor Rhodes// First Child Pt. 2

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I woke up in the hospital room that Connor had booked me for when I was to have the baby. After I had Carleigh, the medics brought us to Gaffney in the maternity ward. It's been about 2 days since I had Carleigh but, so far nothing has been a challenge.

Once I heard the small whines of my baby I took her out of the cart carefully.

"Sh sh mommy's here" I said in a quiet baby voice rocking her in my arms.

"She's already awake and it's only been 1 hour since her last outburst" said the man with burgundy scrubs passing by the room.

"You can take over if you want Connor. I don't mind at all" I said giving him some sass.

Connor chuckled and went back to ED to check up on a couple of his patients. So I sat alone in the room holding the now wide awake baby in my arms.

"You may look like me but you have the exact same eyes and smile as your daddy" I said to Carleigh as if she could understand me.


I had put Carleigh back down in her cart so the nurse can do a check up on her and I since she was a week or two premature.

I was caught off guard when all of a sudden Carleigh's monitor started going crazy.

"What's going on" I said frantically sitting up and moving a bit towards Carleigh.

"Ma'am I'm going to need you to move back till I get a doctor in here" the nurse said trying to page whom ever was closest to the maternity ward.

Connor came running in after multiple nurses came in surrounding my baby. I was being held back by some of those nurses. Once Connor saw the view of his daughter's heart rate dropping her instantly went into action.

"Connor please....please save her!" I said bursting into tears.

Will, Maggie and Natalie all came in to try and help and calm me down but all I wanted was for my baby to be ok. Will hugged me and held me in his chest while Maggie spoke soothing words about how 'she's going to be ok'. Btw Will is like a brother to me so it's not awkward to show the type of closer bonding.

"Dr. Rhodes, her bp is dropping and so is her hr" said the original nurse who was in here first.

"100 grams of epi" was all he said while doing CPR on our daughter.

"Dr. Rhodes she's not reacting" said the nurse again.

He didn't listen to the nurses and started getting the defibrillator ready.

"Clear" he said before pumping the electricity through her body causing her whole body to jolt up.

I cried even harder if that was even possible, when I saw her body so limp. "Connor please!" I practically screamed.

He repeated the procedure once more before Carleigh's vitals were normal. I now cried tears of joy. Thanks goodness my baby is ok.

Connor made his way over to me and hugged me since Will had let me out of his grasp. Everyone left to give us space.

We both practically balled our eyes out from how scary that was. Our 2 day old baby girl just practically flatlined right in front of us and all we could do is hope she'd pull through.

"I'm so so sorry" I said looking at him.

"No no Y/n do not put that on you" he said wiping my tears.

"I should've left her in their till the nurse checked on her but I was too eager" I said wiping his tears away.

"There's was nothing you and I could've done better or worse. But I will run every single test their is to check and make sure she's ok" he said before giving me a salty kiss.

All I did was nod and lay back down and stare at the ceiling. "Make sure she's ok" I said to Connor before he walked out.

He nodded and closed the sliding doors and walked to the desk in the ward not wanting us to leave his sight.


I could hardly sleep last night just thinking about what happened yesterday. I looked over to the couch and saw my husband laying on his side facing away for me and Carleigh. I know my husband too well to know that he's not comfortable and is just laying on his side to try and fall asleep.

"Connor" I whispered.

"Hmmm" The groggy man hummed before turning around to show his puffy eyes and messy hair.

"Come lay with me" I said scooting over a bit.

Let me tell you that I thought he would get a headache from getting up so quick because he was right next to me in an instant.

I smiled slightly before looking over at Carleigh for what seemed to be the hundredth time this morning.

"We checked out all the boxes in our tests and none of it makes any sense" Connor said laying his head on my chest.

I ran my fingers through his hair and said, "She was perfectly fine till that nurse came in".

"I'll talk to Maggie about pulling the footage from your room when the nurse was in here. That nurse has been getting tons of complaints, especially on this floor." Spoke my husband.

I nodded and just smelled his cologne that had the scent of honey and watermelon.


Finally we got the footage of yesterday afternoon.
All of the ED staff that Connor and I were friends with cane to watch since we're greater in numbers. I was so hesitant to press the play button but I went on with it.

We all watch in quietness till we saw the nurse come in and start checking on my vitals then moved to the baby.

I paused the video and zoomed in to see a small needle with fluid being injected into Carleigh.

"What the hell" Natalie said clearly angry. And let me say that she spoke for all of us. What the hell

"That looks to be a liquid from a bottle of a very strong pain med that only DT patients use to help with their situation. I can tell cause the color of the liquid is a shade of red making it seem like you're drawing or giving blood. But, I never knew that they could cause a baby to have a seizure" Will said pointing out the needle.

Connor instantly stood up and trapped the iPad and making his way to Goodwin since she was right at the desk talking to a colleague.

"You need to see this, I and so has the rest of the ED department has seen it and it has to do with what happened to my daughter yesterday" he said handing her the pad and stood anxiously next to her.

"How could someone do something like that" Ms. Goodwin said giving him back the iPad and walking over to the exact same nurse and pulling her to her office.

Connor made his way back over to me since everyone had to leave to go back to the ED.

"I was so close to walking over to her and strangling her for what she did to our girl" he said walking over to Carleigh and picking her up.

"We'll I'm glad you didn't because instead of walking back in here you'd be walking out of MED with handcuffs." I said smiling softly at him and Carleigh.

He made his way back over to me and sat next to me. "You see how much she smiles when I hold her" Connor said smiling and giving her kisses on her tiny nose.

"Well I'll need you to return her to me so I can give her some breakfast" I said unbuttoning my gown and grabbing my breastfeeding coverup.

"Ok Smiley I'm gonna give you back to mama so you could get the tit" he said passing her over.

I giggled at his ridiculousness.

As soon as i put my nipple in her mouth she latched on and ate away. She was looking at Connor and I but mainly Connor and reached up a bit for him.

Connor made funny faces at her and talked to her as if she could say English words back. "Yeah mommy's tits are nice right? I would know first hand" he said making me slap his arm with my free hand.

"Not here Rhodes" I said laughing a bit.

Long story short, that nurse got fired and was stripped of her medical powers. Connor and I have been the happiest yet with our firstborn baby happy and healthy with many more to come.

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