hitting me now

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We walk up onto the stage, waving and smiling. We sit on the couch with a little bit of distance between us, hearing multiple cheers and surprisingly no boos. While sitting down, our clammy hands in our own laps, jimmy asks the first question
. "So, y/n you have an album coming soon correct?" I nod, while he asks me about singles, dates, and names. I'm happy we're starting with easy questions, and giving gillian a minute to collect herself.

He then moves onto Gillian asking about the latest show she's acting in. I can feel she's getting more comfortable, her shoulders pulling away from her ears, which makes me smile. Eventually jimmy says
"ok, now y/n do you remember a certain night in august, 2 years ago when a girl came into your house?"

I chuckle remembering that blonde psycho. Gillian laughs with me, and the crowd even joins.
"Can you tell us what happened next that night?" I nod and tell the whole story, about how she tried to search my house, and I beat up her boyfriends, then Gillian jumps in.

When I say "she ran into my room-" Gillian interjects,
"I had to hide in the closet!" She points at me "I mean I've already been in there before" surprised at the comment, I laugh along with the crowd. Jimmy then says
"ok ok" he try's to keep composure and ask the next question.

He asks us about our dress scandal, how we kept things secret, and paparazzi's. I notice throughout Gillian getting more and more comfortable, and not being so nervous, it makes me so happy to see.

"Ok, so the fans have been dying to know" he looks into the camera
"on the first night you were here" he says, pointing to me
"we had surprised you with Gillian" I giggle as a clip replays the scene of him guiding me to the concrete room on the big screen.

"Now, Gillian decided to break one of our cameras" he says sarcastically, giving the crowd a good laugh. Gillian laughs too, then he asks something we were not prepared for at all.

"So can you tell us y/n, what happened in that room that night"

The question catches me completely off guard. While I search my brain for a quick answer, deciding if I should be honest or not, Gillian steps in.

"May I?" She says, raising an eyebrow for Jimmy's approval. He nods as she re adjusts her body, facing me. She stares me in the eyes, but with the intimidating look she gave me that exact night.

"I stared her down just like this, it was funny cuz she was so nervous, and I honestly felt so bad" she says with a smirk. "So I just gave up the act, and hugged her" the crowd awwws and I blush, I guess part of that was true.

"Man" he starts
"and y/n do your friends and family know about all of this?" My throat starts to burn, like the feeling you get before you cry. I shake my head, saying "once they found out they um" I look at the ground, then back at jimmy

"They kicked me out so" I smile and nod while I see his expression change
"oh geez I'm so sorry y/n I didn't mean to bring that up"
I reply quickly with "no no it's okay!" Even though for some reason that hit harder than anything.

He quickly changes the subject to Gillians new show she'll be acting in. While I sit there and pretend to be engaged, I really just want to leave. He closes the interview by promoting her show, and my album. Then the curtain closes.

We say our goodbyes, and walk to my car. While sitting in the drivers seat, I place my left hand on my forehead, and leave the other on my thigh. I feel the warm touch of Gillians hand on mine. She kneels down to be on my level, the door open letting in a calm breeze.
"I'm sorry" she caresses my hand softly with her thumb, making circles against the face of my hand.
"don't be, it's not your fault"

I can hear my own voice breaking, and my visions getting blurry. I hear her move her inch closer to me saying
"y/n you did so good tonight" I don't know why..... but that hurt. Fuck that hurt. I look out the front window into the wall of the studio, my throat burning like fire as tears pour out of my eyes.

It's just hitting me now that I've lost my parents. The people I cared for the most, are gone. I'm never going to see them again. It's all so much right now, I feel sick.
"Hey hey hey, come on, I'll drive us home" she says softly.

I switch sides, and resume my breakdown. The whole time she squeezes my hand, reassuring me all we'll be fine. I flump on the bed, and feel my cheeks tensing up from all the crying.

I feel disgusting. Snots running from my nose, my face is probably red as shit, and all I can do is curl up in a ball. Gillian doesn't waist a second before coming into bed next to me. Under the covers, still in our dress clothes, she pulls me close. My eyes are flooded. I feel bad since I'm ruining my favourite lingerie shirt of hers with these stupid tears.

I can tell neither of us are going to sleep tonight.

Gillian, you found me againWhere stories live. Discover now