"will you be mine?"

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"Y/n?" I don't dare break my stare from the tv. "Yes?" My hearts already racing wtf I haven't even started yet.
"Okay, this might be soon, or I don't know, but I just want to know" I try to calm myself down so I can at least form sentences.

"What are we?" I hear her breath enter and leave, while she ponders what to say. I wait for a reply, worrying I've said the wrong thing until she says "Gillian, can't you see?" My heart nearly stops for a moment. Oh my god have I fucked it up?

"I've been waiting for you to ask me out this whole time. Ask me to be yours. And you haven't. How long are we going to say I love before dating?" A long breath leaves my lips and I start to calm down, even smile.

"You mean" I start "you want to be with me?" I hear her little giggle
"of course, I mean look at you" I smile and say "ok then, y/n" She moves her head back up to the ceiling, and look I at her.

"Will you be mine?" She smiles, and even through the dark I can see her blushing "yeah" she pulls my head in for a sideways kiss. "I love you" I bite my lip "I love you too"

She moves her head more comfortably, and waits for me to fall asleep. I stay playing with her hair, until I'm out just like David. I feel the butterflies thinking about what just happened. This is so perfect? How? I don't know. I think she's feeling the magic too, or at least I hope.

The night is a comforting sort of cool. It feels good to get that out of the way.


The sound of David's raspy, tired voice wakes me. "Can one of you lovebirds get me some Advil?"  I roll my eyes, and move my head so I can see him. He's lying with his head back, same spot from before, except now he has a hand on his forehead.

"Please" I sit up from Gillians warm lap "I guess, are you hungover?" He slowly nods, so I walk into the the kitchen. I check one of the cabinets, and find the pain killers on a shelf.

I read the label, and pour the 2 tablets in my hand. "Here" I let them fall into his hand, handing him a cup of water as well. He nods, and I take a seat. Gillians still asleep. I look at the little strands of hair, peeking through on her cheek.

Her perfect lips, and long nose. I smile at her little furrowed eyebrows. I turn my attention back to David, seeing him gulp down the water. "Thanks sexy" I nod
"you had 2 bottles, 2 vodka shots" he puts his glass down "yeah, and?" I raise my eyebrow (ugh I have to stop stealing her habits)

"Well what did you expect" he chuckles
"we do this every year, I'm used to it" a giggle exits my mouth, as I realize I'm still in my dress. I wore the same dress I did when she went out on Christmas. Partly because I like it, and partly because she said it looked better on me than her.

I stand up, and turn on the kettle. Grabbing tea bags, and placing them into little blue ceramic cups for us, I hear a familiar yawn. "Morning Gil happy new year!" David's voice carries through the kitchen.
"Ha yeah, you slept through the fireworks" I giggle listening intently for his answer.

"Ok not funny Gil, you know how this works" she laughs "yeah every year you seem to fall asleep before they go off" now I'm laughing from the kitchen "shut up y/n!" Which only makes me laugh harder.

The gorgeous woman with messy orange hair, is now standing infront of me.
"I'm making tea for us" I say with a smile. She blushes, I can see she's about to say something, but I already know what it is.

"Before you say anything" I start, walking over to the now screaming kettle
"yes, I meant everything I said last night" I see her shoulders relax a little.
"ok" is all she manages reply, with that sweet smile as she sips her tea. We talk to David, and exaggerate the whole firework thing, while laughing at him.

After about an hour Gillian sends him home, telling him she'll call a taxi.
"Thanks for coming again" Gillian says, patting his back before he opens the door
"yeah it was fun" he replies.

Then he turns around
"thanks for keeping an eye on g here y/n, I'll see you soon" I smile as he walks down to the driver.
"Ok, now what" Gillian says, closing the door. "It's really messy in here-" she cuts me off
"no no no, I don't want to make you clean. We're doing something fun today"

I laugh "well ok then"

Gillian, you found me againWhere stories live. Discover now