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Dedicated to Jessica660905 who gave me the idea for this. Thank you so much beautiful 💚🖤💚🖤

So Pilara is the main character, but she is also y/n. I came up with the name and a character popped into my head and I fell in love with her so yeah. If she doesn't fit your description I'm sorry just imagine she does.

I'm honestly so excited to write this one!

This is going to have sexual scenes, but I'm pretty sure that's why like half of you are reading. There is going to be violence, drugs, and rape within this, so if you're not comfortable with that, please don't read.

For the rest of you horny fuckers, the sexual chapters will have a warning sigh (⚠️) on the chapter for you. I hope you enjoy.

Disire (Loki x Bucky x reader) 21+Where stories live. Discover now