To see me now...(story)

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This is kind of like a...short story of the previous chapter's drawing I made...who knows? perhaps I'll actually add this into A Master Hunter given a few changes...

This...dream has been appearing in (Y/n)'s head for quite some time. It all happened ever since she started the Guild's training. It was so vivid that every time she woke up from it, it disappeared into the depths of her head in a snap. She didn't like to let things get to her mind. She saw it as a distraction from her actual work and duties when helping out her village. But...something was odd about her dream.

"Headmaster! I'm here!" (Y/n) announced as she opened the door of the Guild's outpost in Kamura's woodlands. She glanced around the place, searching for a particular candy-cane-styled child— woman. I meant woman. Walking in the place a bit more, she frowned at the sight of not seeing her mentor."Headmaster?"


"What was that!?" (Y/C/n) fell from their feet at the sudden rumble and explosion. "It sounded like it came from the kittenchen!" (Y/n) nodded and rushed in to the small room where the Guild members went to have a break and eat. She turned the corner and saw a short Wyverian cough and wave smoke away from her face. She turned around and took off her darkly clouded glasses, wiped them from the debris, and put them back on. Her mint-colored eyes squinted before widening at the sight of the female Hunter staring at her with a concerned look.

"Oh! (Y/n)! Back so soon?" The child coughed. She got down from her stool, and skidded over to the (h/c) woman, ushering her out of the room. "Go, go! We have research that must be finished!"

"B-but...are you ok!? What was that back there?" (Y/n) stuttered, unsure of what to say. She was pulled to the table in the center of the wooden room. It was covered in papers, pictures, and sticky notes from previous observations that still needed to be finished.

"Yes, yes!" The child Wyverian exclaimed. She hopped onto the stool besides her apprentice. Gathering a stack of papers, she pushed them aside and made room for a glass pot. "I was just making an exciting entrance!" She winked and did her signature pose with a peace sign to her eyes.

"If you call that an entrance...I'm not sure you're very good at it..." (Y/C/n) mumbled quietly. The child furrowed her small eyebrows at the Palico and puffed her cheeks out.

"Oh, hush, you furry Felyne!"

"Master Shao, can we get on with today's lesson?" (Y/n) sweated. The Wyverian woman, Headmaster of the Guild's Outpost, Shao, smiled cheekily at her title and nodded. Despite her size and young appearance, she was actually around her late 30's. She seemed to be like a twelve-year old to normal eyes, yet in the viewpoint of other Wyverians, they knew her age in an instant.

"Right, right!" Shao clapped. She pulled the pot full of dirt closer to them with her tiny hands, and smiled at the sight of the growing plant. "Can you tell me what this specimen is labeled as?" She questioned her biology student.

"Uh..." (Y/n) leaned down to examine the plant furthermore. It's leaves were as sharp as blades, so she was weary to touch it. And the berries on it seemed to be just as sharp somehow. Those details from the plant gave her an idea to what it was, but she couldn't be for sure. The Headmaster brought in various plants and items from all the regions, so anything could look so similar to another thing. "A...Slashberry herb?"

"Correcto!" Shao jumped as her face beamed with a large smile. She could always be a handful whether or not she was happy or mad...She then grabbed a few random stacks of paper and plopped them in front of herself and (Y/n). "Now, onto the paper reports of the recorded monsters!"

The young trainee slumped. "Great..."


White. That's all she could see, as if she were trapped inside a cloud. She sucked a breath in and glanced around. Nothing was there except herself and the bright void. Where was she? She did not know. In fact, because of her solemn loneliness, he started to feel anxious; if not, scared.

To rid of her panic, she lightly tapped her foot forwards. The white beneath her rippled like water. At least she could walk. One step after the other, she decided to venture forth in a random direction. Hopefully she could find her way out of the place by discovering what was in it.

Sometime later, she eventually started to figure out that she was trapped. One of her worst fears was not being able to discover an answer to something vital. This, in her case, was vital for herself. She crouched down, her hands in her hair, and looked at the white, watery ground she stood on. Tears threatened to spill from her eyes as she became overwhelmed with multiple thoughts. Would she die there? Where is the way out? How did she even get there?

"..." (Y/n) saw a familiar sandle pass by her vision and to the front of her. She immediately looked up, and gasped quietly at the sight.

A woman with long, flowing blonde hair had her back facing the panicking child. She wore the blue garb meant for the defenders of Kamura. Who was that? It took (Y/n) a thin minute to understand who the woman was, but once the lady barely turned her head to the right, she caught on to her memories and remembered in an instant. "...Mother?" Her voice, hoarse and quiet, called out to her supposed parent. The girl could only catch a glimpse of the Hunter before something had managed to finally kick her out of the white void.

"Hey!" Shao snapped her fingers. "Don't tell me you were dozing off!"

"..." (Y/n)'s eyes blinked open in an instant. She lazily turned her head over to her teacher, confused with what had just occurred. "Huh?" She hummed. Shao furrowed her eyebrows and raised a finger at her.

"Now tell me the ingredients to herbs!" She demanded. It must've been a question she asked before (Y/n) had dosed off...What were the essentials to growing an herb again...? The (h/c)-head had to think for a moment, yet she had come to a conclusion and spoke her answer. She must've gotten them correct, for Shao smiled at her as she awkwardly replied. Alas, her mind had slowly drifted off when Shao began speaking again. That woman...Was she really her mother? Either way, mother or not, she had a singular wish residing in her mind ever since she woke up from her daze.

'If only you could see me now...'

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