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She pulled her legs towards her chest, propping her chin against her knee

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She pulled her legs towards her chest, propping her chin against her knee. "Are you already tired?" Yangyang asked, cocking an eyebrow up in amusement.

Two weeks after the grand event, Yenmi was escorted to their hideout by Jaemin, which was more like a whole mansion. She was introduced to Lucas, Jiyayi and Yangyang, not to forget Jisung and Chenle who she had met before.

She was getting better at transforming, but yet couldn't stay in her form for long. Right now, Yangyang was teaching her some basic self defence tricks.

He fixed his loose white shirt, rolling his eyes. "Come on, get up." He said, pulling the exhausted Phoenix up.

A groan escaped her lips as she leaned on his chest, not wanting to do anything more. The two had almost instantly clicked, having been born in the same year and coincidentally,

On the same day of the same month too.

They both were rather unbothered by the people around them and didn't really act the sweetest. Yenmi was extremely surprised by the similarities between them, their names and surnames, Liu Yangyang and Li Yenmi.

Their birthdays were on the same day too and so were their interests. She would've believed that he was her long lost twin until she met his parents.

They were completely different from hers. Both of them were quite traditional, having offered her some Shui Xian as soon as she arrived.

They both were well mannered and always had polite smiles on their faces, using quite a bunch of odd words.

The Liu's were all dragons, quite obvious from their traditional background. She had never come across a dragon before, but Yangyang was definitely her favourite so far.

"Okay I know I'm handsome and all but stop staring, you're creeping me out." He grimaced, stepping away from her.

She could only jeer at him, ushering him to go on with his instructions. He took out a pointed needle-like structure from his pocket, which shone even under the dull lights of the room.

Liu tossed it towards her, as she barely caught it without getting hurt. A sneer on his face, he clasped his hands together.

"Try it." He simply said, taking a step back to give her enough place to attack him.

"On what?" She asked the taller boy, who shrugged in response. "Who else m'lady, me." He taunted, grabbing her wrist as he showed her how to use the weapon.

He jabbed it near his abdomen, missing his skin by a few inches. "Here." He then took it up towards his heart, the corner of his lip tugging up as he stared at the girl. "Here."

Last but definitely not least, he bought it up at his neck, it almost grazing his skin. "And here. This is the jugular vein, quite important." He said, letting her hand drop.

Her eyes wide, she stared at him with dread filling her veins. "What if I actually hurt you?" She expressed her thoughts.

"If you can hurt me you can heal me too." He mentioned.

He wasn't wrong, ofcourse she could heal him but she wasn't really sure how. "You can heal me just by activating your powers." He said, reading her mind.

"First of all, I don't know how to do that Mister. Secondly, get out of my mind, I don't want you to cheat."  She said, gazing at the metal in her hands.


With that being said, she began attacking him with all her power, the little metal cutting through the air like a sharp knife.

"Again." He said, after dodging all her hits, grabbing her wrist before turning it around.

Her grip on the weapon tightened as she inhaled a huge breath, striking again. "Again."

Yenmi wasn't really a huge fan to be training with Yangyang, although their interests matched and she was the closest to him after Jaemin in this hideout, she truly didn't like how he was so full of himself.

Rightfully so as he was good at almost everything, including dodging attacks.

She squeezed her eyes close as he repeated the same word again for the 9th time, "again."

"Okay, let me show you how it's done." He said, snatching the weapon from her hand. He twirled it around his fingers, waiting for her to compose herself.

"Ready?" He asked, craning his neck to the side. The girl hummed as a response, rolling her shoulders back. In a swift move he moved forward, swinging the stick across her abdomen.

Too bad, she dodged it.

His eyes looked up at hers before attacking again, this time aiming for her heart. The metal would've hit her if she had not turned sideways oh so skillfully.

Before she could even study his next move, the weapon was already touching her skin, the painfully sharp blade almost cutting through her flesh.

This time, she couldn't dodge it.

A satisfied smile on his lips, he handed the weapon back to her, dusting his hands as he walked a feet away from her. "Now try it."

She really was at a loss of words at his swift movements, he hadn't trained under a man namely, Master Qing for nothing, as he had said, '他老了,但他很棒.'

She snapped out of her trance before leaning forward quickly, making him move sideways. She wasted no time on turning a plunging it across his heart which he barely missed, the metal grazing against his skin in the process.

In a flash, her hand paused right infront of his Jugular vein as Yangyang's breath hitched. He had a blank look on his face before bursting into that sweet smile of his.

"Finally! You did great!" He said, swinging an arm across her shoulder as he looked down at his shirt with a cut near his chest, exposing his skin.

Yenmi looked pleased enough to not notice it as she grinned. "You're actually a good teacher, but you're annoying as fuck." She complimented... somewhat.

"Thanks, I get that alot."

Oh sheesh this is going so slow so to fasten it up Imma make some of the scenes short 😭🔫

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Oh sheesh this is going so slow so to fasten it up Imma make some of the scenes short 😭🔫

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